January 12, 2024

Last Sunday...

Last Sunday, we went to our elder son's home and found our younger son's family was also there. They all gathered to celebrate Handsome's Birthday, and for the last of our family Christmas gift exchange. Illness kept all of us from getting together for the actual holiday, but this was a perfect rain check.

As we drove into their driveway, we were greeted by the neighborhood wild turkeys. Our son and his family live right across from a marsh and wildlife area, so they have lots of visitors. We've been there in the past when a dozen turkeys just march through their yard. Quite a sight to behold when you consider they're within mere feet of the house. 

This trip, not only were we greeted by turkeys, but we were treated to a trio of deer that grazed their way through the backyard, too. In fact, they're quite tame for city deer. Our son's Golden retriever sat on their back deck as the deer sauntered past. We were told that the dog and deer are quite chummy. These deer weren't more than fifteen feet from the deck.

So, I have a little bit of news to share today, too. We have friends whose daughters we've known since they were teenagers. They're now grown with families of their own, and we are quite proud of the women they've become. The younger of the two ladies manages a gas station/restaurant/convenience store just three miles from our farmhouse. 

Handsome and I stopped for lunch one day about a month ago, and she was telling me how hard it is to find people who want to work, which started a whole discussion. At the end of our chat, I allowed as how I'd be happy to come up and help out for 10-20 hours a week, but that I didn't want weekend or late night hours. She handed me an application and we were off to the races.

I worked a week ago Friday answering the phones and taking orders for their delicious Friday night fish (fish fries are a big deal in Wisconsin, in case you haven't heard...second only to our supper club brandy old-fashioneds.) It was a fast-paced three hours of work, and I had fun.

Yesterday was my first day of actual training to use the register, as I took more food orders on the phone, and generally learned the ropes. I worked six hours on my feet, and because we had another snowfall the night before, I wore my boots. Next time I'll carry my Rockport™ shoes - meant for comfort - and change into them once I get there.

I sure don't intend to be there full-time - and I am still preparing for the show in February - but when Handsome goes to Florida for four months at a time, I can go weeks without leaving the farmhouse. The fact that he's staying home this year means that I don't have to fret about having the dogs crated the whole time I'm gone. They stay out with him, and I have a reason to get out at least once a week.

Anyway, it was fun to see new faces, earn a little mad money, and most of all, help a friend for a few hours a week. Plus, on the days I work, I place a food order before I leave and arrive home with a hot meal in hand. I don't have to put thought into what I'm going to make once I'm home. Bonus!

Today, we're running out so I can purchase a heated pad for the barn girls. If we're going to have a deep freeze, I'm going to do something extra for them to make sure they're toasty warm in the barn. They have an electric wax warmer (sans wax) in their insulated dresser up to now, along with a body heat-reflecting pad, but I'll lose sleep worrying if that would be sufficient in -13ºF weather. They'll be better off with the electric warming bed, so that's what I'm going to get for them. I'll have it all installed and ready for them later this morning. 

We're going early because we have another winter snowstorm warning (up to 6") today, and I've been told I probably won't have to go into work for three hours tonight either because of it. We'll be back home before it starts to really accumulate, and then hunker down until it passes. My cats have developed nice thick coats, so I'm sure this purchase is more for my peace of mind than their necessity, but I'm not taking any chances. Then I'll be sewing by this afternoon, as long as my girls are okay outside. 

I've read all your wonderful comments on yesterday's pantry update, but Blogger glitches on me from time to time, and I can't reply. I promise I'll leave comments during the day to answer all of them. Thanks so much for all your kind words. I'm glad you like what we're doing as much as we do. You're the best!!

I have to run now before the weather gets too crummy to be on the road. See you again tomorrow, and thanks again! 


  1. It sounds like a good plan, getting out for awhile.
    I think Mother Nature is paying us back for having no snow all of December!
    I need to go out too, but the storm is supposed to start at 5:00am.
    Stay safe!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I agree. We were due for snow...but I hadn't hoped for "all at once". Storm kept us in, and we only cleared out today. Perhaps we'll run errands Sunday.
      Stay warm.

  2. My goodness, you must have found the fountain of youth! I can't even imagine adding one more thing to all that you already do...God bless you! And may He continue to grant you the strength for all that you do! But, I will admit, that kinda sounds fun...it makes me think of Alice at Mel's Diner (1970's? TV). 😆

    1. Hi Lois:
      Thanks, dear. I can say, though that by the time I finished my six hour shift on Thursday, my feet were tired! Snow cancelled work on Friday, so I'll have time to get back to "normal". I remember Alice! You're too cute. Thanks for the good wishes, dear.


  3. Congratulations on the new job. It sounds like a fun break from every day things. New perspective, new people. The deer are a treat to see. Turkeys scare me. They are quite a cranky bird.
    Stay warm!

    1. Hi Salty:
      Thanks. My first day on the register was fun. I think I'm going to enjoy this. You're right. The people are fun, too. Before we moved to Florida, my studio looked right out on our back yard. The deer were so close, I expected them to tap on my window! These were almost that close. Around here, the turkeys would just as soon run away as bother with people, but they seem quite time at our son's property. Even so, I'll stay inside and watch. That's close enough - and these guys were big!

  4. My goodness girl - you are a going concern! I can't imagine adding working on top of all you do already. I was happy to hear that Handsome isn't going to Florida this year....it will be so nice to have him there for company and not have to worry about each other when you're apart.

    1. Hi MA:
      I was actually a little emotional today. There was so much snow, and I was so grateful he was here. I had to tell him, which got me lots of big bear hugs. He may gor for a few weeks in April, but I'll have him here for the winter and I couldn't be happier.

  5. Well you just go girl! That's what keeps you young and if you're enjoying it that's all that matters.
    No deer for us here but we do have quite a few wild turkeys everyday. I just love those birds.
    Oh the girls are going to love their new bed.
    Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      It's either going to keep me young, or age me quickly. I'm hoping for the former! lol I'm always happy to see any wildlife. The closeup encounters are nice, too. I love watching them. It's going to be so cold this week. I'll bring the girls in if it gets dangerous. Heated bed or no.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna