January 3, 2024

2024 Word of the Year...

I spent some time contemplating what I wanted to select as my word for 2024, and finally landed on this. While there are many interpretations for the word, I'm seeking to manifest abundance in a number of ways this year.

First, I want to increase my spiritual abundance, seeking to carve time every day to reflect on His Word and my desire to live more closely aligned with it. I have a few study resources that I'll use to help me achieve that goal. I've always known that all the gifts in my life are because of my faith, and I want to show more gratitude through being a better follower.

Next, I want to concentrate more of my efforts on a schedule that will move me toward publishing a few things that I've been putting off for too long. I have some patterns I want to write to list in my shop, as well as a book or two - that will also be available - by the end of June this year. I want to better manage my time so that I'm not always "last minuting" my efforts, too.

As a component of all of this, I've come to realize that abundance is not to be found in "stuff", so I'll get even more discerning about just what I want to have in our home and life. I want to concentrate more on experiences and interactions with loved ones, and I want to be more available and present for my family. Boiled down to its essence: in the words of architect Mies van der Rohe, "Less is more". My goal is to keep the things that have the most meaning, are the most useful, and bring the most joy, therefore giving them more impact in our environs. Also, by having less stuff, we won't need to spend as much time cleaning, managing and shifting as we do now.

My studio has more things than I'll ever be able to use - and it takes up valuable real estate that could be better used. I have three shows this year, and my goal is to sew my way out of a number of things that currently occupy that space. By the end of the year, I'm planning to completely move away from the cork creations (handbags, wallets, totes, etc.) and the majority of my quilting endeavors. I'll hold on to a few projects that I have wanted to do for a long time, as well as the materials I need to continue my embroidered birds wall hanging series, but I'm going to let most of the rest go so I can again focus on my first love - needlework. In the process, I hope to free up one of the rooms upstairs to become a restful retreat for guests.

Handsome and I are planning a larger garden this year, so that we can be more responsible for growing and preserving the food we eat. He even suggested that we create a summer kitchen in our large outbuilding. That way we can have all our supplies at ground level, instead of lugging things up from the basement all the time. Climbing the steep stairs in this farmhouse becomes more difficult at our ages, and being at ground level would make for a much more efficient setup. It really will be garden-to-table (to-preservation) and we can appreciate the abundant fruits of our labor through the summer and to the next growing season.

As you can see, this year's word will require a certain dedication and commitment from me if I'm going to be successful. I think I'm up to it, and I promise to keep you informed as I make my way through the coming months.

Have you chosen a word for 2024? If so, I'd love to have you share it with me. Perhaps we can motivate each other to reach our goals? I'm excited to begin and am optimistic for the year ahead. I'm so glad you're here to be a part of this new year with me.


  1. Sounds like you have some great plans!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I'm excited at the entire prospect this year.

  2. My word is Edit. Seeking to keep things that work and edit out those that are no longer needed. It applies to all facets of my life. Last year was my first time using a word of the year. It was Eucharisteo. Chosen from some solid biblical reading I was doing. I was amazed at how it led me all year and so I was looking forward to choosing this years word. Looking forward to your posts during 2024 and watching your progress. Charlene in Phoenix.

    1. Hi Charlene:
      That's an excellent word, my friend. It's the most difficult thing for me to do, but like the quote, "You will not change until the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change". I think I'm there. I'm going to look up your word for last year. I'm intrigued.
      Big hugs!

  3. An excellent choice. Abundance.

    Mine is family.

    1. Hi Sandi:
      Thank you. I think yours is excellent, too! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Good word choice! I've never chosen a word because I know myself well enough to know I would never stick to it. My plan, however, for the year is to 'use it up'. Mind you, that's been my plan for several years now and I don't think I'm making much headway!

    1. Hi MA:
      I know. It's hard, isn't it? Because I blog (most) every day, I have the button in my sidebar to keep it in the forefront of my mind. If I didn't have that, I'd have it caligraphied (sp) somewhere I'd see it every day. We do the best we can, my dear.

  5. Oh, Donna, what a wonderful and inspiring post! I love your word choice and the way you have chosen to apply it! (I also appreciate Charlene's "edit".) I find it difficult to narrow down to just one word, but so much of what you wrote really describes how I'm feeling this year - actually that feeling grows more and more each year! We really do need to number our days and gain wisdom (Ps. 90:12) - so that we may use those days wisely! I have grown weary of the stuff we own seeming to own us, like you said managing, cleaning, shifting... I just packed away all the Christmas decor and kept wondering why on earth we "need" so much of it?! Sigh. Well, I better stop moping about these things and get about doing something... Looking forward to seeing how each of us uses 2024 to the best of our abilities! Thank you for such an inspiring post - I'm feeling quite motivated! (-:

    1. Hi Lois:
      Thank you so much for your comment today. I don't think my dear blog friends know just how much they inspire and motivate me with the notes they leave each day. I find great lessons in each message. Thank you for sharing the Bible verse today. I'm going to write it down in my paper journal to remind me of His direction, so that I might be as successful as I'm able this year. As I let things go, I'm hoping that others can find joy in those items I release...in turn offering some release to me, as well. I know that some day I'll likely have to move from this beloved farmhouse. By then, (or if God allows me to stay here, when I pass to glory) the emptying won't be such a chore for our remaining family. It helps to be more discerning when I think of such things. I know our kids probably won't want much - if any - of it.

  6. I'm with Lois as to what a wonderful and inspiring post this is.
    I especially like the spiritual abundance part.
    I've never chosen a word of the year, but I enjoy seeing all the choices
    that have been made.
    Over the past few years I'm all for the 'less is more', not that I'm a minimalist, but it sure feels
    good to lighten the load.
    Thank you for such a great post.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Thank you for saying so, dear. It's funny. I never chose a word until I learned that it was a "thing" for bloggers. Sometimes I've been disappointed in my follow-through, but I think I gain character in continuing to strive. I think the spiritual aspect of my word this year will help me move toward success. With God all things are possible, right? I agree that I'm no minimalist, either, but I do feel better when I can see space in our home, so I'm going to keep after it this year.

  7. Thanks to Donna and everyone for sharing such special thoughts. I think I need a sentence -Be still, breathe and focus! I am horrible about getting sidetracked and overwhelmed.
    I too want to schedule time to focus on my Bible readings and to create a "diary" to collect the ones that I need most right now.
    I agree with Shirley and her idea to lighten the load. I need to get past the sentimentality and let go of stuff.
    I wish all good success! - Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy:
      You're so welcome, dear. I like the way you're thinking. As I head into my 70th (!!!!!) year, focus is especially hard to come by, so I can appreciate the value of that thought. I'm going to dedicate time in my schedule each day for devotions, and also set aside a set amount of time each day for "pulling" to donate, sell or toss. Even a half hour will make a big dent. Then, perhaps once every two weeks, I'll make a trip to St. Vincent de Paul to drop off my donations - and an hour each day to put up sales listings. As I get better with the time management, I can adjust the time I set aside as well...and of course, the longer I do it, the less time it will take in the future. Before I know it, I'll be to a place where I can just sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labor. Sentimentality is my downfall, too, so I completely get it.

  8. Sherry of createology: Donna Dear your post is right on target. My 2024 word came to me just as 2023 was closing. 2023 word was Mindful! It worked well for me to stay focused and embrace every day happenings. So for 2024 the word “Attentive” has chosen me. I relate to everything you and others have shared. I need to pare down and get over my sentimentality of keeping everything. I also have more supplies than I will ever use. Time to donate lots more than when we moved and downsized to live here inn Utah. Blessings my friend. You can count on me to be a cheerleader for you.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      My sister, Jan was a recent inspiration as she downsized her studio supplies. She still has "more" that fills her Craft Cottage, but she chose to share her supplies with our niece and nephew and others (even me!). I took very little she offered, but I can see that I may need to pass some of it on so I can create space, too. I love the word you've chosen for this year! I'm with you...I'm going to donate a whole lot more this year than I did last. I think we'll all arrive at our goal if we cheer each other on. Thanks, sweet friend!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna