January 22, 2024

Lost Weekend...


This was all I accomplished last weekend. I prepped all the flaps to make wallets, and then I went to bed where I stayed all weekend. Handsome and I both have some sort of creeping crud, and we both feel awful. 

He brought tea and a sweet roll up to me (I think on Saturday) and I couldn't even touch them. I drank a bit of the tea and then turned over and went back to sleep. I'm feeling a bit better today, but I have no energy whatsoever. I'll eat something a bit later, but we have to get the dogs out and give them their breakfast. I'll see what I feel like after that.

Tag and I are going to take a few days off until I'm back to normal. Sorry I'm not my usual productive self. I'll see you in a few.


  1. Sherry of createology: Prayers and Healing Energy for you and Handsome. Being sick is exhausting and rest is best. Take care my friend.

  2. Donna, I hope you and Handsome feel better soon. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

  3. So sorry that you've both succumbed. Hope you took a Covid test? At any rate, take care of you and Handsome and get lots of rest. We'll be here when you return!

  4. So sorry you are feeling bad. Take it easy and take care of yourself and hubby. We’ll be here when you feel better! Andrea Hickman

  5. I hope both of you feel better soon.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna