January 9, 2024

Tuesdays With Tag - Time To Lighten Up...

Hi, Everybody!!! 

I was thinkin' about somethin' I wanted to start this year, so here goes. I always try to bring a smile to your faces each week, so I thought, "What better way to make 'em smile, than to share a joke or two each month?" A dog joke, that is. Nothin' off-color. Just cute stuff...like me!

So, startin' this week, I'm gonna share a couple jokes one week each month. That's assumin' Mom doesn't forget to let me use her computer as she has recently. So, if you're ready, let's begin with a double header...
Okay. I know those two cracked you up, so let's try one more for this week, and then you'll have to wait until next month for another knee-slapper. Are you ready? Here goes...
That one gets me every time! snort Feel free to share these with someone this month...even if it's a "little". I'm keepin' them clean so they're "kidlet friendly"! Kinda like Dad jokes. lol
Well, that's enough jocularity for one month, so I'm gonna go. Even though there won't be jokes, I'll be back next week with your weekly dose of ME!
I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Always make time for dog snuggles."


  1. Lookin' good Tag!
    Thanks for the chuckles.

  2. Thank you Tag - we all need a little fun in our lives and sharing cute doggie jokes certainly brightens the day. (still hunkered down awaiting 'the storm').

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      My pleasure. I live to make people smile. It's been stormin' the past 20 hours or so. I'm not gonna tell you what I think about it. (Big Toothy Smile)

  3. Tuesdays with Tag should be lots of fun this year! Fabulous idea. Andrea Hickman

  4. I laughed.
    A joke you might enjoy:
    Burgler in a dark house with a pen light looking for things to steal when he hears a voice: Jesus is watching you.
    He freezes, waits, nothing. Continues to look around when he hears the voice again: Jesus is watching you.
    Thief quickly turns light towards the voice. It's a parrot.
    Thief: Did you say that!?
    Parrot: Yes, I want you to know Jesus is watching you.
    Thief: Who are you!?
    Parrot: I'm Moses.
    Thief: Moses!? What kind of people call a parrot Moses?
    Parrot: The kind of people that call their Rottweiler, Jesus.

    1. Hi Miss Eileen:
      I bet Jesus is a real hoot! The parrot sure is. Mom read this and laughed out loud. Thanks for sharin' it.

  5. Good ones Tag, just don't take your show on the road.
    And that's quite a handsome picture of you.

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      Not me. Mom said I'm too old to operate a motor vehicle. Plus there's the "no thumbs" thing, so I'd have trouble controllin' the wheel. I'll just limit my travels to an occasional walkabout. Thanks for the compliment, too.
      Big Smooches,

  6. Sherry of createology: Tag I like your kid friendly funnies. You are so clever! You know I am late again however I can’t miss your post every week. January 2024 is already speeding and I am getting behind every day. Attentive will kick in soon I hope. Smooches Dear…

  7. Tag, thanks for all the giggles! I see alot of dog jokes and stunts on IG. I laugh my head off at some of them! I'm glad you are being so uplifting in 2024!!


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Blessings, Donna