January 16, 2024

Tuesdays With Tag - Not Again...

Our view on Friday mornin' 03/12/24

Hi, Everybody! 

This is what we woke up to on Saturday mornin' last weekend. I was not impressed. It's hard enough bein' a little guy around here without havin' to deal with feet of the white wet stuff in our yard. It gives "dashin' through the snow" a whole new meanin', if you get my drift. (Pun intended)

I heard the plow truck long before anyone could see him. That's not fog in this picture. It's all the snow, comin' down so heavy in the wind that we had almost no visibility. Talk about ridiculous! This kept on and off for most of the weekend!

Of course, two fat cats managed to wiggle their way into the house. I don't mind because any time I was outside, I can tell you it was so cold my paws almost stuck to the pavement! The couple times we saw Claudette out of the barn, she kept holdin' her paws up. Crystal wouldn't leave the barn until Mom went out there to tell them they could come in the house. Then, she sprinted her big booty up to the house and fairly bounced in the front door!

I'm so tickled (not really) with our current weather situation that I decided to write a poem about it. Enjoy!

Deep Snow
by Brynwood's Taggart
I went to bed when it got dark. The grass was cold but green. 
When daybreak came I went outside to quite a difference scene.
 Instead of sun and room to run, the snow was fallin' down,
When I saw how deep it already was, all I could do was frown.

I had to go out in the yard to tend to my affairs, but 
there was so much snow on them, I got stuck on the stairs.

Mom came down and picked me up, she carried me to the door
and once I shook off all that snow, white sparkled on the floor.

It looks like Winter's in full force, but I just want to say
from this ol' Corgi with four short legs, it can buzz off any day.

The End.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Always make time for dog snuggles."
(Especially when it's cold!)


  1. We've have enough snow now, don't we Tag!
    Love your poem.

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      I couldn't agree more! Thanks. It just came to me. hee hee

  2. I'm with you Tag - winter can buzz off any day! We don't have near the snow you do though, so that's a blessing. -10C at the moment though so quite a bit colder than it's been. Stay warm!!

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      Dad said it's supposed to get to a whole 35º by next week. Whoop dee do! Yeah. That snow is killer for me. ugh. Mom said she learned something new last week...that -40º F is the same ºC. Apparently the chart converges between the two scales at that point. She didn't know that. Either way, that's way too cold for our blood. Tonight it's -21º with the wind chill. We're stayin' inside! You stay warm, too!

  3. Why, Tag, you'd give Henry Wadsworth Longfellow a run for his money with that fine poetry! I could feel the intense dismay at the situation. 😉 I'm just tickled that the "fat cats" are all cozy inside with you! But, what does Dad think? So many extra blessings from him this winter...staying home from Florida AND cats in the house!! 😊

    1. Hi Miss Lois:
      Thanks for sayin' so. Mom thinks I'm more of a Dr. Seuss. lol You're right though. I'm not happy with the current weather situation at all. Mom and the canines are havin' fun with the cats, but when Dad is relaxin' in his recliner, they keep jumpin' up on the arm of the recliner (from behind), and like to give him a heart attack. He doesn't like it at all. We're doin' all we can to get the girls to stay off his chair to keep the peace. We agree though. He's been very magnanimous about the cats, and Mom couldn't be happier that he stayed home. Stay warm!!

    2. Just FYI, in case you weren't aware...as a lifelong cat "owner' I have taken note that cats know who is not fond of them and tend to hover about that person to either win them over or annoy them...I'm thinking it's more the latter. 😉

  4. Poor Tag! I hope the snow will melt away quickly. Enjoy your snuggle time inside. I’m very impressed with your poetry too! Andrea Hickman

    1. Hi Miss Andrea:
      Thanks for the "melty" wishes. I'm right there with you. My bed is my favorite place these days. Warm and snuggly. Glad you liked my poetry. Just a little somethin' I whipped together on the fly. Stay warm!

  5. Great poem! Well done Tag!
    Fun post, makes me smile, and laugh

    1. Hi Miss Eileen:
      Then my work is complete for this week. Thanks for leavin' a note for me. I do love readin' them, and then writin' back. Stay warm at your house!

  6. Sherry of createology: Tag I do know how you feel about all that frozen white stuff. You are quite clever with your poem. I am certain Claudette and Crystal were more than grateful for being in the house with warmth and family. Stay safe and take good care of your “sisters” and Mom and Dad.

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      I hate to be a complainer, but navigatin' the deep snow is not in my wheelhouse, for sure. I'm glad you liked my poem, too. The girls are lovin' sleepin' with Mom, but Dad will be happy when it's warm enough for them to go back outside. Mom's not fond of litter boxes in the house, either. I'm sure you understand that part. I'll make sure nobody beats up the cats - even though Claudette is a pain when we're outside. She's nice in the house. Go figure.

  7. Oh Tag you are a canine of so many talents and now you add poetry to your repertoire.
    Very good one by the way.
    I love those little black toe beans on the back of the sofa.
    I am so happy for the barn ladies.
    I hope we will be complaining about the heat and humidity real soon.
    Have a great week and stay warm.

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      Thanks! I do my best to entertain my friends. I'm so glad you liked my poem. Mom loves those toe beans, too. She said they don't smell like my frito feet either. hmmm. They're grateful to be in the house, but takin' it a little for granted. They keep jumpin' on Dad's chair when he's in it. Not wise. Not wise at all. Dad said it's supposed to be in the 30s next week. Mom said she'll be glad when it's in the 70s. I'm with her. I hope you have a great week, too. Hugs from Wisconsin.


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Blessings, Donna