January 31, 2024

I'm Back - Mostly...

What did I miss? This was me for the past twelve days. I've been sick, sick sick! I haven't had so much as a sniffle for the past seven years, but this reminded us of when Handsome and I both had pneumonia at the same time nearly forty years ago. It's been ugly! I'm finally upright and coherent enough to write a few paragraphs to you.

We both stayed in bed for the first week, only getting up to let the dogs out and feed the animals. Handsome was actually better than I was. I didn't even eat for a week, losing ten pounds in the process. When I did get up, I ended up under a quilt on the sofa, sleeping again. I was guarded by Claudette or the dogs to make sure I hadn't expired. The deep chest cough has been the worst for both of us, and I think that's finally under control now.

I think I'll be cancelling my participation in the Winter Quilt Show coming up February 10th, as I just have no stamina yet. I also haven't been able to work in the studio at all, and have no new items to take with me.When I feel up to it, I'll get back in and create the wallets and handbags to list in my Etsy shop instead. 

I cant' tell you how disappointed I am that I won't be vending at this show. I really enjoy it, and love seeing all the beautiful quilts, but going this year would just be wildly unwise. I haven't been to my other job all this time either, and really want to get back there for Fridays, but I still have to stay home for now. 

In the meantime, Handsome and I'll continue with our vitamins, meds, lots of hot tea and soups, so we can completely heal. Thanks for waiting for me. I hope none of you have experienced this. It really stinks. Tomorrow will be better.


  1. Oh, Donna, it is so very good to hear from you!! I think everyone must have been eagerly checking your blog everyday and starting to get a bit concerned. Sounds like what I had the week before Christmas (when I wanted to get so many last minute things done 😭) so I feel like I can commiserate a little. My husband got hit with it about two weeks later, so we could at least take turns in caring for one another. That "thing", whatever it is, just sucks the life right out of you! Glad you both are on the mend, and you are very wise to continue to rest and skip the show!

    1. Hi Lois:
      If you had it, too, you know how awful it was. The fact that you and your husband alternated was the best of a bad situation. Handsome and I mostly took turns checking on each other that first week. I forgot how bad being sick really was. I'm going to remember this for a long time. Thanks for worrying about me. I really appreciate it.

  2. So glad you are on the mend. Lois is correct, I checked daily for an update as well as everybody else. Take care and get better both you and Handsome.

    1. Hi Bev:
      Thanks so much for your concern, dear. At first I felt so bad that writing a blog post was the furthest thing from my mind. All I wanted to do was crawl under a blanket - or rock. Once I started to feel a bit better, I waited to write because I had no subject matter except being sick. Who wants to read about that? We're both being very careful to not overdo it and relapse. I don't ever want to be this sick again. I appreciate you checking in for news from me.

  3. Wonder if you've had that miserable RSV that seems to be happening these days. I suspect too that being masked and careful for so long means that what diseases there are out there really are miserable. Glad you're both feeling better...be good and don't give yourself a relapse.

    1. Hi MA:
      We don't really know what it was, but it mostly resembled the pneumonia Handsome and I both had (twice) early in our relationship. Living in farmland, we were never masked up like people in the cities were. I think getting my job and being around "humanity" may have made me a little more vulnerable, so now I'm really beefing up the vitamins and supplements that kept us safe for almost four years of "the 'Vid". I'll be using a lot more hand sanitizer handling cash at work now, too. Thanks so much for your concern, girlfriend. I really appreciate it.

    2. I used to train bank tellers years ago and the only thing that would get my knickers in a knot was when I saw them licking their fingers to get moisture to count bills. You don't know where that money has been or how clean people's hand were that handled it. They don't call it filthy lucre for nothing!

  4. So glad to hear from you and that you are both on the mend. It sure takes a while to shake it.
    Nurse Claudette has it all under control.
    You have been in my thoughts.
    Take care.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      We really are doing better by the day. Claudette was never far from me. I think she knew. I've read that cats have a certain sense that brings them to people when they're needed. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts, dear. I know it made a huge difference to our healing. We're being careful not to relapse, too. I want this whole sordid illness behind us for good.

  5. I’m so glad you are finally feeling better. That must have been worse than Covid. Hate you have to miss your show, but taking care of yourself is more important. I’m happy to see that the fur kids are taking such good care of you! Rest and take care of yourself and handsome!

    1. Thank you so much for your concern. We never had Covid or were sick at all the past four (7 for me) years, even though we were around people who had it. I had both of us on a strict regimen of supplements and vitamins that kept us safe from it. So, I'm all excited about getting a 10 hr a week part time job and bang! I come home sick and we both get it. I'm going to be extra careful when I go back in another week or so. Although I know I can't handle an 8 four vendor show (plus set up), I think a three hour Friday night might be doable. I'll know better after this weekend. All the dogs and cats are very attentive and they must have known we were so sick. The dogs didn't fuss at all being crated for so long every day. We did our best to get them out, but weren't able to really let them run around at all. They were the best. I'm finally able to be upright and at least slightly productive now, so I'm hoping to get a little bit done for my shop over the coming days. Missing the show will be a bummer, but rather that than relapse. There's always next year.
      Thanks again!

  6. So glad you are somewhat better.
    The animals take care when we are sick.
    I'm sorry you can't go to the quilt show, but maybe it's best, you don't want a relapse.
    Take care.

  7. I am sorry to hear you and Handsome had such a tough time and glad to hear you both are on the mend. -- Kathy

  8. Sherry of createology: Donna I have been so worried about you. Thank goodness you are getting better. Claudette is such a good girl and she will help heal you. Prayers and Healing Energy continue dear.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna