January 18, 2024

Getting Busy...

Now that the pantry is nearly finished (Jeff will be here soon to install hardware), it's time for me to again turn my attention to the upcoming show. I've already started some new projects, but this year I'm going to have a larger selection of wallets and bags. 

I have some unique prints planned for wallets, featuring a nice range of Kaffe Fassett wallets. I'll list the available ones in my shop after the show. Of course, I'll show them to you first, in the event you'd like to purchase one early.

I'm also going to create more keychains, little zipper pouch keychains, and zippered pouches. Then, I'll have a few Nocturne Overnighter Bags, Ensemble Bags, Bella Totes, and large Kirby Crossbody Bags. 

On the needlework side, I'll be offering embroidered pendants, pinkeeps, and project bags. If I have time I'll add some new items created from vintage quilts, too. I'll wait to tell you more about those in case I don't get to them for this event.

My friend, Cindy has graciously agreed to help in my booth again this year, and I'm looking forward to working with her. We always have a great time together.

So, if you live anywhere in the West Bend, WI area, mark your calendar. I'd love to see you on February 10th at the Washington County Fairgrounds Pavillion.

I'm working at my other job from 10-4 today, but I'll show you another project bag I'm working on. It also features a Michelle Palmer drawing front and center. I think you'll like this one! (Think Valentine's Day!) I have to get going. I'll see you again tomorrow.


  1. Can't wait to see the completed finish!
    Be careful driving to work, the roads here are still "iffy".
    Love Michelle Palmers drawings, always so cute.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thankfully, Handsome drove me to work and picked me up, so our vehicle didn't sit out in the cold all day. Isn't Michelle talented? I love all her work.
      Stay warm, dear.

  2. Oh my - you're going to have the pedal to the floor with your sewing machine if you're going to make all that between now and the show AND keep up with your part-time job too. You're going to be one tired pup by the time the show gets here.

    1. Hi MA:
      You're so right. I'll sleep like a baby the night of the show! I'm having a wee bit of trouble getting motivated, but I'll get things done. I don't want my booth to look "sold out" before it even opens.
      Stay warm!

  3. Sherry of createology: Donna Dear I am always amazed at how much you get done in a day. You are a whirling dervish for sure. Enjoy your day and please be careful out in the ice and snow.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      More "chicken with my head cut off" than "whirling dervish", I think. Thanks for your encouragement. I really appreciate it. Handsome drove me to work, so that's a great help. I'll be careful.

  4. Wow , just reading all that got me exhausted.
    I just love the 'if I have time I'll.....' you will have time because you do this in your sleep and don't
    even realize it.
    You will have a beautiful booth.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I know what you mean! Same here. lol I'll start staging my products soon so I can take an accurate inventory of what I need to do. Of course, I'll photograph my booth to share in February. Thank you, dear.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna