January 20, 2024

It Finally Happened...


After seven years - illness-free -  I just came down with a cold. I forgot just how much I disliked being ill. Ugh!

So, today, I'm sharing three out-of-print items that I will be listing for sale in my Etsy shop. The first one is a leaflet by Barb Adams & Alma Allen (Blackbird Designs) called Summer Weekend. I looked online first and learned that the only other copy I could find was a "New" copy from Abe Books for $500. Yikes!

I'm offering this one for $95 here (free postage), and $125 on Etsy. It's gently used, but can go to someone else who will be able to sew up some of the designs for themselves. Here's a button if you'd like to purchase it...


Knits for Barbie Doll by Nicky Epstain is also out-of-print. This hardcover book is like NEW condition. You can purchase it HERE (free postage).

Finally, this is The Canvas Work Encyclopedia by Jane Zimmerman. It's also out-of-print, gently used (showing slight wear on the cover). It's available HERE for $35, which also includes free postage.

Sorry my post was late today. I'm going to make a fresh hot tea with honey, and head to my studio to concentrate on something other than how miserable I feel right now, and hoping Alka Seltzer Cold helps without putting me to sleep. See you again on Monday. Have a great weekend.


  1. awwww - so sorry you succumbed to a cold! Hopefully it will be short-lived and doesn't make you feel miserable for too long.
    I should buy that Barbie book with an eye to the future but I suspect my daughter-in-love won't want Barbies in the house (she's freaked out by dolls that have 'real-looking' eyes). Methinks it will be rag dolls all the way, but who knows. No doubt somebody will see fit to gift a Barbie along the line and DIL might not have much say in the matter.

  2. Sherry of createology: I am so sorry you are sick. Healing Energy to get you well my friend.

  3. I hope you feel better soon.


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Blessings, Donna