Brynwood Needleworks - His Royal Highness, Taggart
Hi, Everybody!
Boy, am I excited to talk with you today. You're never gonna believe the kind of weekend we had. Funny how things can change in the blink of an eye.
Remember how Mom told you that she's been takin' care of the barn cats since our last really big snow storm? Well, she did such a bang up job, they're still hangin' around in our barn. She feeds them twice a day, makes sure they have fresh water, and even an occasional bowl of milk, too. (She actually warmed it up for them when the snow was still on the ground.) She's been makin' sure nobody went hungry while they were squattin' here! Apparently, they really got used to her comin' out and feedin' them.
Mom's been noticin' some changes lately and we thought you might like to see one of the most recent. Spring has definitely sprung at the farmhouse!
Brynwood Needleworks - Mama Cat
Mom put out big boxes and a dog kennel for the cats over the winter. She filled 'em with straw so they'd offer extra warmth, and she even put the dog kennel up onto the workbench in front of the south window in the Compass Barn so it would get some extra warmth from the sunshine. Mama cat (named "Groucho"- see the moustache?), and her two, almost-one-year-old kittens quickly moved into the new accommodations. She even covered the kennel with an old towel (to keep out any cold draft, and give the cats a cozy perch when the sun came out.
Miss Shelly loaned us a heated water bowl so their water wouldn't freeze when it was so dang cold outside, and Mom gave 'em hard (and soft) cat food twice a day. The black dogs and I aren't allowed in the barn at all.
When Mom goes out to feed them now, all three cats jump up onto her pottin' bench on the opposite wall from that kennel, as Mom puts out their food and fills their water bowl. Mama and her fuzzy, black-furred son always rub against her hands, purrin' and wantin' to be petted. The female kitten, while she will get onto the table, prefers to be left alone. Mom honors her wishes.
Brynwood Needlework - Mama Cat, Guarding Against Intruders
So, it was no surprise when Mom went out on Saturday and saw Groucho
gettin' out of the dog kennel. Sleepin' late, perhaps? Mama jumped off
the south table and ran to greet Mom at feedin' time. (Now that the weather is gettin' nicer, Her two teenage kittens are usually out roamin' around the property, so they may or may not be present for breakfast or dinner).
Mama immediately ran across the barn to get in a little pettin' action while Mom was fillin' dishes. Mom always takes the time to give Grouch a little lovin', but Saturday mornin', she heard tiny "mews" comin' from the kennel. She finished puttin' down food for all three grown cats, and then went in the direction of the 'mews" while the bigger cats were distracted.
So, guess what?
Brynwood Needleworks - Mama's Newest Miracles
On the 20th, Mama cat gave birth to four wee kittens! They're all girls. (Mom checked when Groucho was distracted.) Mama cat doesn't want anyone gettin' close to her babies, so we're gonna honor her demand for now. No one wants to get scratched or bitten, and we don't want Mama bothered.
(My) Mom's goin' to keep close track of the babies, too. It's warm in front of the window, but the crate is on top of a work bench. We don't want the kittens gettin' up and explorin' while it's still up high. The problem is that I also don't want any "toddlers" fallin' off the bench either. So, by the weekend, this crate will be on a lower base (to keep it off the cold floor), but we're gonna make sure nobody gets hurt from fallin' out of the crate while it's on the bench.
Mom's decided she's goin' to do her best to socialize these kittens as they get older, and then she's gonna try to find lovin' homes for them. I say, "Anywhere but here is good for me.". She's also gonna make sure that Groucho and her older two kids get spayed or neutered pretty darn quick. While they're cute as buttons, we don't want a population explosion around here. Enough already!!
I'll see you again in seven. 'til then..."Corgi On, Corgi Strong!"