September 17, 2019

Tuesdays With Tag - I Was Duped!...

Brynwood Needleworks - Tag At The Vet's Office
Hi, Everybody!
This isn't gonna be a long post today. I don't have much to say.
"Come on, Tag", she said. "It will be fun, sweetie", she said.
Stoopid me. A car ride? Sure, why not?
Well, I'll tell ya why not. VETERINARIAN! That's why not!
Sure, the girls think I'm cute. The vet (a nice man, by the way) thinks I'm a smart guy (he's right), but when you get right down to brass tacks, what the actual heck?! I get weighed (you ladies can relate, right? I know Mom can!), poked, prodded, toenails practically cut off my feet!!!, and the ultimate insult...SHOTS!

Frankly, I never turn down treats, but if they think they can bribe me with anything less than a steak dinner, they've got another think comin'! I took my snack, waited for Mom to pay the lady, and I was on my way outa there!

Bella had a vet appointment, too. No shots or meds for her, as she might be "pupulated", but she got plenty of attention, and her vet (Dr. Whitfill) gives her Cheetos™! Cheetos, I tell ya! Where can a guy complain?

I'm up to date for another year (or so), but I've got some meds to take, and otherwise I'm a picture of good health. (Well, I mean...I oughta be!) Mom said I need to lose two pounds to get back to my fightin' weight. I can do that. Hey! Has anybody seen my treat jar? I gotta go...
 I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...
"Live Like Someone Left The Gate Open".

1 comment:

  1. Those two pounds happened while the porch project kept you inside more. Runnin around will take off those two pounds Tag Dear. Now if only I had just two pounds...more like 20! Yikes. Just a fun car ride huh? LOL


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