June 29, 2019

New In The Studio...

Brynwood Needleworks - Marketplace Work Table

When we moved to the farm, I said I was going to avoid buying brand new furniture at all cost. I no longer want, nor do I need brand new furniture. We use what we have, or I find great deals to repurpose. This is one such deal.

Yes. I was foraging around on Facebook Marketplace again. Don't judge. There are so many cool things there, and never at "brand new" prices. Anyway, I found this heavy duty commercial work table for a sweet price, so I contacted the seller. I asked a few questions, and made arrangements to go to see it.

It measures 48" long by 24" wide by 26 1/2" high, with the shelf below. I was told it came out of a hospital during a remodel. It's heavy and strong, with a solid wood top and metal undercarriage. I bought it on the spot.

While I was standing in her garage, I noticed there was also a pristine pattern file cabinet next to the table. I asked if it was for sale and if so, how much? She said it was, and I could make an offer. I did, we agreed, and it also came home with me. The coolest part was that my Explorer was about 2" too short to fit everything inside, so the seller offered to deliver part of it for me.

She and I loaded everything into our two vehicles, she followed me home and everything was here the same day. On top of that, she's also a seamstress, so I now have a new friend with a shared interest!

Brynwood Needleworks - Destiny Sewing Table
Handsome and I managed to carry the table up to the studio yesterday, and I have it all installed in my sewing room now. I have my bobbins, adhesives (for making handbags and wallets), and order binder on the shelf, and Destiny is perfectly installed on top. The table is long enough for me to use the embroidery attachment, too.

The pattern file is too heavy for Handsome and me to get upstairs, so we'll wait for my nephew's strong muscles to help one of us get it up there. I've made a spot for it in my fabric studio, and it's going to hold all my woolens for applique' work. I'll show that to you once it's upstairs and in place.

I've got the itch to stitch (sew) now, but today is a bread baking day. I'm planning to play in the studio on Sunday as I move into a productive July. Can you believe it's right around the corner? Enjoy your weekend. I'll tell you all about mine on Monday!


1 comment:

  1. Having the right tools is always critical. Destiny looks right at home on her new table. Sew nice to know another seamstress close by. Happy End of June Weekend Dear...


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Blessings, Donna