April 4, 2018

Weekend Finishes...

Winter Penny Mat

 A joyful weekend spent with family, needle dancing in my free time.
I completed the Winter Penny Mat and love how it turned out!

Winter Penny Mat Detail

There were a total of 168 little woolen circles stitched into this creation. We'll enjoy this for years to come. (Even the back is pretty. I finished it, but forgot to take a picture. I'll share it on the Brynwood Needleworks Facebook page HERE later today.)

Primitive Gatherings' Stitch On!

I also completed "Stitch On!", which is another Primitive Gatherings piece. This one will be mounted into an oversized white frame. I'll pick that up next time I'm in Menasha. 
All in all, it was a good weekend to get a few wool projects accomplished. I'm still stitching this week. The winners have made their pincushion choices, and I'm putting them together today and tomorrow to mail out by Friday. "Stitching on!" Happy! Happy!



  1. Stitching is very calming and these wool projects are gorgeous! Your Needle Dancing is sublime! Joyful Week Dear...<3

  2. LOVE the wool penny mat! Gorgeous soft colors. I need to make one.


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Blessings, Donna