April 30, 2018

A Lovely Hometown-Style Sunday...

Badging On A Fire Truck

Yesterday, Handsome and I spent part of the day about six miles north of the farm. The EMS/Fire Station that serves our township hosted a brat fry and raffle for the residents of the above townships and village. This is some of the badging on their beautiful fire trucks.

Blocking The Road

Just after we arrived, we noticed two of the trucks pulling forward to block the road, as well as each side of their driveway area. I initially thought it was so that everyone could walk freely at the event, however, we noticed people looking skyward, and quickly realized what was happening.

Covering Her Ears

It got a little noisy, so some of the little ones were plugging their ears. This daddy was making sure his daughter was safe in his arms.

Helicopter - In For A Perfect Landing

We all stood on the edges of the parking lot as this pilot brought the Flight For Life helicopter in for a perfect landing. It was pretty impressive!

Handsome And The Pilot
Having been a working passenger (as a photographer) on more than a few helicopters, Handsome made his way to the cockpit to congratulate the pilot on a flawless landing. Others went to the back of the 'copter to see the ambulance accommodations for sick passengers. It was pretty impressive.

Fire Truck Detail

Inside the firehouse, freshly grilled Midwestern favorite brats (pronounced "brots", like "hots"), homemade desserts and beverages were served for their service area residents. As handsome and I stood in line, a familiar voice called my name, and an old friend hugged me when I turned around. Handsome and I have been friends with her and her husband for decades. We all ate lunch together, and found out that they now live very close to us! We'll be getting together again very soon.

The weather was perfect for great food and dear friends. It's so good to be back home with all the best rural America has to offer. We're grateful every day for our life here, and so happy that we made the decision to move back.

Later in the day, I met up with my pal, Kathy D. to take a little drive. I'll tell you more about that on Wednesday. 

1 comment:

  1. You are part of a Wonderful commmunity and what a great way to celebrate good weather, good services and good friends. <3


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