April 22, 2018

Sunday Scripture...

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Just a few, uncustomary Sunday Scripture words today. This verse was spoken by Barbara Pierce Bush's funeral, by her granddaughters, yesterday. It's one of my favorite chapters in the Bible.

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These are the lyrics to a song that was sung at the funeral, too. It's a personal favorite of mine. My British grandfather played the pipe organ at his church in England. When he came to visit us in Wisconsin, he played this on the piano for us.

When I heard it, I was moved to tears, imagining my Granddad playing that magnificent pipe organ in the Bush family's church. The lyrics are beautiful, but if you're not familiar with the hymn, I encourage you to look it up on YouTube, or see if you can find a recording of Mrs. Bush's funeral. That reading of this hymn was magnificent.


1 comment:

  1. Very beautiful and so perfect for such a graceful lady. Sunday Serenity...<3


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