August 17, 2012


I'm really having a great time getting ready for my presentation to the quilt guild on Tuesday evening. There's so much enthusiasm from our members to get started on our joint effort for our next guild quilt show that I can hardly wait to unveil it for them.

This is a preview of the board I'm working on. I've shown what our blocks will look like by posting images of each block, and then I snipped a sample of every fabric that we'll be using in our quilt. I just know that the finished quilt will be stunning!

We'll be choosing a name for our quilt at the meeting (we've chosen three that they'll vote on), and then we'll be watching the technique dvd recorded by the designer of the American Album blocks. 

I still have more to do to get ready for the meeting, but I'm going to have time for fun this weekend, too. (We're going to see Hope Springs - starring Tommy Lee Jones and Meryl Streep - later today!)

Have a great weekend - and do something nice for someone you love. Goodness always multiplies and returns to you tenfold.


  1. That looks like a great selection of fabrics Donna. I look forward to seeing the quilt as it evolves.

  2. Your visual board of design and inspiration is fabulous. The ladies will be so ready to proceed on the quilt. Well done dear.
    Relaxing weekend...

  3. From your board, this looks like you are going to have one stunning quilt when you are done. I love the colors.


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Blessings, Donna