October 1, 2024

Reworked Bluebird Breast...

Bluebird Head and Breast WIP

This was the "finished" version I shared previously, before I looked at the photographs. Once I reviewed my work, I decided that it needed some frogging and re-stitching. I wanted more of the darkest shade to be used on the breast area, so I ended up removing the light colors below the dark in this photograph.

Reworked Bluebird Breast

Once I'd done that, I started the revision. I'm much happier with this version, so I'll be continuing on from here. I know it's subtle, but I think the rework was worth it. I like it a lot more.

I work today, but will be back to stitching later this week. I'm also going to do some canning this week because the weather is supposed to be cooler. I have an order for eight bottles of the Hickory Hill Farm Hickory Syrup, and I want to pressure can some of the meat that's been in the freezer. Ahhhh, yes. Another busy week. Then, there's this...

One more day before I can post photos from our Craft Day. I'm missing an image and need to get it from one of the other ladies. Hopefully tomorrow. See you later!

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Blessings, Donna