October 23, 2024

Starting Baby Three...

Bluebirds - Work in Progress

With the weather change the past couple of days, my hands have been a little sore. Even so, the sun was shining and I had the itch to stitch. I sat down for about an hour and a half and began baby bluebird number 3. 

I know it doesn't look like a lot of progress, but I got quite a bit of the design started for the head and breast. It will be easier to lay in the other colors now that I have this part sorted out.

I'm going to spend the rest of this morning and early afternoon going through things to purge in the studio. We'll see how much I accomplish and hopefully the "Oh, look! A squirrel Syndrome" won't strike before I make some good headway. I just keep reminding myself how much I need to move things out, and how much better I'll feel once I get it done. I think I may develop a work plan where I purge for an hour or two, and then reward myself with an hour of needlework. It's not better than chocolate, but it's close. lol


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Blessings, Donna