October 7, 2024

I Believe It Can Fly...

Bluebird 1 Wing Rework

Saturday was my stitching day, and I got a lot accomplished...twice!! This little triptych shows you how my day went.

First, I sat down to my hoop and stitched an entire wing. About the time I was ready to declare it "finished", I took a photograph and looked at it. I didn't really look like a wing to me. I sat there for a few minutes and contemplated whether or not to "just leave it". Well, it wasn't long before I knew what had to be done.

I painstakingly snipped and pulled all of the blue stitches, and then I cut down my padding to shorten and reshape the wing. The middle photo shows you how it looked before I resumed stitching, and the photo on the right is my final wing. Much more elegant and "winglike".

It's what you do when "good enough" really isn't good enough. It needs to be something you're proud to share with everyone who sees it...or even if you're the only one who will ever look at it. It needs to be right.

Now, Bluebird #1 is right. The faint blue on the fabric around the tip of the wing is from my Frixion™ pen. I'll take a blow dryer to it soon, and then it will disappear. This picture is up close and personal so you can see my individual stitches. The bug and the bird's legs will be likely be the last things I do, so this one is done for now.

I've picked up extra hours this week, as a sister store (even closer than where I usually work) is short-staffed. On the days I'm not working where I was hired to work, I'll be helping out from 1-5 pm at the closer station. It will help them out, but my creative time may take a hit. I'll see if I can get some stitching time in while there's still daylight - perhaps before work. I'll share what I can. 

Today will be Day One of the extra shifts (plus Wednesday and Thursday). I'll have my usual Tuesday and Friday, and an added Saturday (unless someone else takes that off my hands). I'm praying my knee and feet hold out so I'm not stalking around like the old mature woman I am. Tylenol™ and I will be buddies this week. Wish me luck!

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Blessings, Donna