October 28, 2024

Barefoot In The Kitchen Today...

Pumpkins and Ghosties Cookie Cutters

Last weekend's Craft Day was cancelled on Saturday due to our hostess and her husband being ill, but this week's classmate dinner is still on. 

I'm going to be baking cutout sugar cookies to take along this time, so I wanted an autumn/halloween theme. I'm actually not big on this October holiday - I know. I know. - so while the ghost-shaped cutter is a nod to the 31st, I'm not going all in on the theme. I'll make this one a cutesy ghost.

The pumpkins are more my October style, so I chose two different shapes for a little variety. One is round and plump, while the other will be thin and tall.

I'm working tomorrow, so I'm baking the cookies today and will decorate them on Wednesday morning, with plenty of time for them to set up before I take them to town. Although, if I'm up to it, I'll decorate some when I get home from work tomorrow night, which would be even better. Either way, they'll be ready to pack up to take with me on Wednesday afternoon for our get-together. 

I'll be sure to take pictures before I carry them off...and I'll be sure to leave some behind for Handsome. I swear he's the original Cookie Monster!


PS. I prefer barefoot to shoes any day, so I definitely prefer going without shoes when I'm sewing or cooking. I couldn't resist using the reference in my post title today.

1 comment:

  1. The cookies will be so cute, I'm sure.


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