October 22, 2024

Second Baby Bluebird Finished...

Two Baby Bluebirds Finished

I finished Baby Bluebird #2 yesterday, after I finished baking five loaves of bread and four hamburger buns. As with the adult bluebird, I won't add feet until their perch is stitched so their feet are on top, rather than buried in the fencing.

I have between six and seven hours in this little bird, although I didn't officially keep time. Next will be Baby Bluebird #3, and then I'll move on to the other adult.

Now, about those hamburger buns. We had the pressure canned sloppy joes on them for dinner. Rather than use my own barbeque sauce recipe (actually my grandmother's recipe) for the sloppy joes, I tried the recipe in my pressure canning cookbook. Handsome and I agreed that, while we won't toss the other two jars, we prefer our tried and true sauce. This one tastes a little too "Manwich-y" for us. It's more vinegary. As it will be pressure canned, my recipe sans apple cider vinegar is more to our taste. The rolls were just right, though.

I work again today, so my plans for Wednesday are to spend time purging studio "extras". I'm sorting through more fabrics, rephotographing my cork items, and then I'm going to have a sale in my Etsy shop in November. I won't be participating in the vendor show over deer hunting weekend, but I still want to move some of my current inventory. I'm also planning to add new items in November, too. I'll be making room to move around first, though.

How is your week shaping up? Are you doing something creative? Getting ready to put your yard to rest for the winter? Planning a trip? Celebrating anything special? I'd love to hear all about it! See you tomorrow.


  1. Those birds are a lot of work, but oh so pretty.
    I'm sorry your Sloppy Joes mix isn't up to par, we always seem to go back to our original recipes that we are used to.
    I don't care for Manwich either.
    Sounds like your bread was a success though!

  2. Sherry of createology: Baby birdies are coming to life and they are very hungry! My Wayne always complains about BBQ type sauces being too vinegary. Your bread and rolls look amazing! Purging is like a great treasure hunt…Oh do I have this? I wanted to buy one and now I found mine I already bought!!! Silly Girl I am.


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Blessings, Donna