October 2, 2024

September Craft Day -


Our theme for September was "fall" and "Halloween". There were pumpkins and ghosts created last Saturday in Portage, WI. 

Kim made both projects - Decoupaged Pumpkin and a Rope Ghost. She chose a beautiful black and white theme for her pumpkin, and she added little sparkles to her ghost hanging.


Kris is new to our Saturday morning group. She also made both a pumpkin and a cute ghost. She truly carries the art gene. Neither project took her very long! Welcome, Kris!


Marie was helping her grandson who wanted to make a project, too. She decided to concentrate on a hanging ghost, and made the sweetest girly ghost. We all loved it!


Likewise, Adrienne stuck to making a little ghost, too. I told her this one reminded me of a show dog. lol I loved it's expression!


Linda and I decided to just work on pumpkins. We both painstakingly shaped and formed bits of napkins to decoupage the designs to our styrofoam forms, and then finish with wood stems and added leaves or viney bits. Linda went all-out on her Halloween theme!

Me (Donna)

I decided to go with a birdy theme - as I seem to be fixated on them lately. I tore apart multiple napkins to cover my pumpkin form, and then added the birds at the end. As with Linda's pumpkin, I added a cut tree stem and vines to complete mine. I don't have the wall space that the other ladies have, so I didn't make the ghost. 

As always, it's a special treat to spend one day a month with dear, old friends. We always have time to catch up, and there's always love and laughter. I wonder what we'll create next?

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Blessings, Donna