October 23, 2024

Sherry's Spooky ATC...

Sherry E's Artist Trading Card

I received another Artist Trading Card yesterday for the Handmade Treasures Exchange Mixed Media Theme. This one is from my dear friend, Sherry E. I love her interpretation of the theme for this time of year. Isn't it positively spooky?

Thank you, dear Sherry for your most clever and creative rendition for this month's theme. I'm tickled to add it to my collection, and am already looking forward to Jan's next assignment.


  1. Sherry of createology: I just could not let October go bye-bye without something Halloween. I love trading ATCs. Yes, I also am curious what the theme will be for November. Creative Bliss Dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I love your ATC! Halloween-themed was just perfect, my dear. Once we know what Jan has planned, it takes me a little while to formulate an idea, but once I have the idea, it's great guns. lol November will be here before we know it. Thanks again!

  2. That ATC is awesome!


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Blessings, Donna