October 8, 2024

The Girls Are Dropping In Today...

Carly and Bella (WMBBD)

It was such a beautiful morning yesterday that Handsome and I drank our morning coffee on the porch. Of course, the girls (all four of them) joined us. 

Carly and Bella just wanted to stop by today to say "Hello". Mama has more grey now, but we've noticed that Carly Dog is developing a little grey on her chinny chin chin, too. Time stops for no man (nor beast). It's just a little reminder of how short their time is with us, and to appreciate every moment we can share with them.

How Ya Doin'?

Carly's head tilt continues to be a source of laughter and joy for us. Bella's a sweet, old soul we're so  grateful to have around to pet and cuddle.

I'll be at work today, but Handsome will spend the day with these girls. Claudette and her daughter mew to be let out every morning, so by the time I go to work, they're usually snuggled in our porch chairs and enjoying the sunshine. If the weather is less than favorable, they'll ask to be let back in soon enough.

Handsome and I are watching the weather reports for Florida the past few days. Our friends have either evacuated or are hunkered down as they await the next hit. We're praying that everyone will make it safely through the storm. 

As so many are trying to rebuild following Hurricane Helene, the last thing they need is Melvin knocking at their door. Perhaps a miracle might save them from the worst of it this time. We'll continue to pray.

1 comment:

  1. 2 pretty girls.
    When will these storms stop? :(
    I have a friend in Tampa, so far she is ok.


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Blessings, Donna