May 10, 2022

Tuesdays With Tag - A Mighty Wind...

Hi, Everybody!

I'm sharin' this picture today because it's me, to a T!

It's been one of those weeks. Mom's been stitchin' her brains out, and the weather's been really crummy. Mom finished her current project, so she took me outside so I could have a little romp, and I darn near blew away. You wouldn't think that could happen with my low center of gravity, but it was bad. 

We couldn't find a place to get outta the wind! Claudette and Crystal never even left the barn, and Bella and The Kid only went outside to do their business. They don't like it either. Mom and Dad went outside a couple of times, and both of 'em came back in the house, growlfin' that they almost couldn't open the door...and it blew like that all day.

It's supposed to be lots warmer today, but it also might rain. I'm not a fan. It would be nice if we'd just have a normal day pretty soon, 'cuz I don't like to be a complainer. It's really note my nature. In addition to all the traits shown on the picture, I'm also optimistic, cheerful, and happy. It's the Corgi way.

Gotta run. If it's gonna be nice for even a little while, I want to get outside and run around like a madman for a little while. I need to burn off some energy!

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 

"Been There, Chewed That!"


  1. It was nice yesterday with lots of sun, but yes, very, very windy.
    Keep grounded Tag!

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      It's was actually kinda scary. I'm not a fan.
      Tag xoxo

  2. Sherry of createology. Hi Tag. We have had very strong winds for at least a week now with more ahead. It makes my allergies go into hyper mode! I am glad you didn’t blow away. I am visualizing Toto and Dorothy. That picture of Corgi traits is definitely YOU! Smooches…

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      Wish I were there to keep you company. Our neighbor has a new pavement plant across from her house. The wind was so bad, it was blowin' sand into her basement! At least we don't have to worry about that. But, Dad and Mom will be really glad when the pavin' is finished so the land gets covered with topsoil again, and there's a nice pond in place of the piles of sand, gravel, and the asphalt stuff. ugh


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Blessings, Donna