May 17, 2022

Tuesdays With Tag - I'm Okay...

Hi, Everybody!
Hope you're feelin' good today. I sure am.

Mom told me that she spilled the beans about my little escapade last week. I'm not gonna say too much about it, except I had fun rollin' in somethin' nasty, and Mom came with Mr. Andy's four-wheeler. It was nice not to have to walk all the way home.

I mean...I picked a nice day for a romp, and there are so many good smells in the spring and fall. My nose took me to lots of interestin' spots in the woods. Before I knew it, I was completely turned around. I didn't know how to find my way home. Lucky for me Mom never gives up on me.

I didn't even get hollered at. I really appreciated her talkin' to me all sweet and low. It made me feel good, and I wasn't so worried anymore. I don't even know quite how I got way out there. I'm just glad to be back home.

I'm writin' about it again, just to let you know you don't have to worry about me. Mom and Dad are mostly takin' me out on a leash these days so I don't bolt again. I'm not exactly a spring chicken anymore, but I can sure run circles around them! 

I managed to get out again when Dad wasn't payin' attention, but I didn't run off. I did run around with Carly, and I've now got a sore leg and limp to show for it. As much as I hate to think about it, I guess I'm gonna have to learn to slow down a little. I'll start tomorrow...or never. I haven't decided yet.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 

"Been There, Chewed That!"


  1. Glad you are ok Tag, you had Mom very worried.
    Have fun, but don't get lost again!

    1. Thanks, Miss Marilyn:
      Mom sure is happy, too. I don't know what came over me. I just got the urge to wander. I have it feeling that won't be allowed to happen again for a long time. It's okay. I was a little confused, and was glad to see Mom up in the woods lookin' for me.

  2. Sherry of createology. Hello My Sweet Tag. It is very hard to realize we are not as young and agile as we once were. Slowing down isn’t so bad. I enjoy a slower pace as it allows me to stop and see and enjoy more things. I Love You! Be safe and please don’t scare Mom anymore. XOXO

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      Don't I know it. I've been limpin' all day today. I guess I have to pay for my little walkabout. I'm slowed down now. I spent the day lyin' in the sun, punctuated by an occasional bark at cars on the road. (Drives Mom nuts when I do that! hee hee) I'll try not to scare her. Thanks for worryin' about me.
      Love you right back.


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Blessings, Donna