May 2, 2022

Broken Tree...

We have a casualty in the yard. Our corkscrew willow succumbed to high winds this winter. So, yesterday, I walked down to see how bad it was. Of course, I had company.

Claudette was the first to bounce down the hill with me. The wind is still blowing, so she stuck close. They don't like what they can't hear.

Crystal wasn't far behind. She was all floofed up, on alert for anything that might hurt her. Once she got close to us, her fur settled down. 

They proceeded to bounce around in the cover, climb the tree, and generally act silly while I did my inspection. It was cold outside, so when I headed back they followed me. It wasn't long before they were snuggled up in the wood shed again.

I haven't seen Leo for over a month now. He must have seen the "neutering" memo. I'm going to have to cancel his appointment. He's on his own. I'm not putting food in the Compass Barn, and man, do I have a serious cleanup out there once the weather's warm enough. My girls are comfy in the woodshed for now. 

We just have to wait until the ground is completely dry so we can tackle this tree and clean up the yard. I hope that's soon.


  1. Sorry about your tree, the wind has been terrible.
    The kittys are too cute. :)

    1. Thanks, Marilyn. I think we should plant a few new trees because I know this will eventually have to go. (I think it's more hollow than not.) Darn wind always reveals the weak trees.
      Have a great week!

  2. Wind can certainly do a lot of damage - so sorry about your tree. We've had a lot of wind here too and sometimes wonder about the big spruce trees that are right outside our building. So far they've been okay but they sure are getting battered at times.

    1. Hi MA: That's for sure! I really love trees, so losing even one is always hard. I told Marilyn I think we should plan to plant a tree or two every year. That way, losing one won't be quite so sad.
      Have a great week!


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