A Feline Photobomber
...and all through the house, Claudette brings Mom lots of presents. Yep. Another mouse!
Hi, Everybody!
I've been super busy helpin' Mom and Dad get ready for Christmas this year. Just yesterday, I guarded the yard while they put up new lights that look like a Christmas tree at night! Aren't they pretty?
We all went for a ride together so Mom and Dad could grab a tasty dinner at Culver's...and so we could all see the lights from the road at night. It was awesome! They twinkle, flash, and change color.
Mom wanted to take my picture so she could show you what the light tree looks like, and I was bein' a good boy. I sat nicely near the walkway lights so you'd be able to see me, when look who sauntered up and booped me right before Mom took the picture! Miss Chonk Cuddly Cat herself! Mom giggled and said, "I think that's the picture I'll use, Tag." Great. More proof that one of our resident felines is smitten with me. (By the way, Crystal was watchin' from the barn door, but, bein' a normal barn cat, she doesn't want to have anythin' to do with us dogs.)
We didn't stay outside much longer. Claudette and I don't mind too, much, but poor Mom doesn't have the extra fur to hang around in the cold. I went in the house, and Mom went to the barn to tuck in the cats before comin' back to our heated farmhouse. She told Dad it's gonna be a long winter, with her worryin' about the cats bein' warm enough 'til it gets nice outside again.
I've been in the barn, and I'm here to tell you, it's like the Hilton out there. Heat-reflective beds, layers of strategically placed hay, enclosed and insulated sleepin' areas, plug-in dishes to keep their food and water from freezin', and don't even get me started about the cushy perch by a window so they can bask in the sun durin' the day! They've really got the world by the keester! It's like Christmas for them every day.
We're gonna have family around for the next couple of weeks, so that means Mom will be makin' cookies, breads and all kinds of tasty treats for people and pets. Honestly, it doesn't get better than that for a Corgi! Nom, nom, nom. I think she'll start that pretty soon, and I won't miss it for nothin'.
So, that's my stream of consciousness for this week. Kinda bounced all over, didn't I? I admit, the girls and I are preoccupied, wonderin' what we're gettin' this year. We can't wait until Christmas Eve. How about you? Have you been good this year? Gotta run so I can do a couple last minute good deeds...just in case.
I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...
Merry Christmas from Bella, Carly,
Claudette, Crystal and me!