December 18, 2021

I'm Back, Baby!...

Working On My Crow Table Runner

I began my day (as usual) with a hot cuppa coffee, fed the cats while Handsome fed the pups, and then I headed up to my studio. I sat down at my sewing machine and began making 1" half-square triangle blocks. Then, I began assembling fabrics.

I decided to add four blocks I'd created from a Lisa Bongean design (I'd laid them out wrong for the original quilt project, but they're perfect here.) I hadn't done the stitching on the applique' block in the lower left of this photograph, so I began that process last night, and will finish it today. Then I can complete assembly of my table runner.

I'm meeting my BFF, Lee for lunch today, but I'll be back to stitching when I get home, and will share my progress with you on Monday. Only one week left until Christmas! Grammie's Jammies are on the agenda for next week. I've got this.


  1. It's beautiful!
    Have fun today!

  2. Very cool! Obviously that 'marriage' was meant to be. Enjoy your lunch with your friend!

  3. Lovely looking table runner. I can skite and say my Grannie's jammies are all done already.

    1. Hi Marrianne!
      Thanks, dear. Well, you should be well and truly chuffed. One of the years I'll finish before Christmas Eve. Not this year, tho'. lol
      Merry Christmas, my friend.
      Big hugs across the miles.


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Blessings, Donna