January 14, 2021


Brynwood Needleworks - Cotton and Wood Bead Popcorn Garland

It's been overcast and cloudy over the farmhouse for almost two weeks. Because I really love daylight photography, it's been a bit of an inconvenience getting good shots. The light is too "flat" to make for nice images, so I decided to try something a little more "artsy".
I pulled out the crocheted popcorn pieces and my 16mm wooden beads and set about stringing my first garland. I decided that I not only wanted strength, but also wanted the garland to have some stability, so I threaded my large needle with a single strand of dental floss and then paired it with the white yarn to feed my elements. I want to get the most out of my wooden beads, to I'm stringing one bead for every two popcorn pieces. I had enough pieces done to string about six feet of garland!

I know that my photo only gives a tease of what the garland looks like, but as soon as I get some good light, I'll do a little photo shoot of the garland as it might be used. I admit, I really love how it looks! I'm out of popcorn "morsels" now, so I'm going to have to make more to continue. I'll be getting right after it!



  1. It looks wonderful Donna! Added encouragement for me to get started on mine. Just have to order the beads. (btw - I think your choice of the larger beads was perfect).

    1. Hi MA:
      I'm not in any hurry to get these done right away. I have all year to play with these. I think the called-for beads were way too small. I love the larger ones, too.
      Get your yarn, a hook and basket. You can make one or two here and there, and before you know it, you'll have enough for a garden. BTW-There were 70 popcorns (2 popcorns, 1 bead, repeat) to make my 6' garland.

    2. Thank you for the details about the length you got to make 6' - good information to know. Heavens, one wouldn't want to make TOO many popcorns!!

  2. Your “Popcorn” garland with red beads looks fantastic. Winter is here for a while. No rain or moisture here and 2020 was the driest year yet for Southern Utah. Happy crocheting.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      So great to hear from you. I hope you're doing okay. We've had a crazy winter so far. I'm not complaining too much, because January's been pretty mild. I think that's going to change in the next few days. We'll see. I hope you get the rain you need, my dear. You don't need the same dry consequences you had in California!
      Big hugs, dear friend.TTYS

  3. You're making it very difficult for me to resist making popcorn. I don't need anything new to work on, but one or two a day can't hurt, right??


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Blessings, Donna