October 20, 2018

Day Tripper...

A View Along The Way
Sometimes you need to slow down. Take time to regroup. Reevaluate. Regenerate. Yesterday was such a day.
It was a good day...a cleansing day. A day when I responded to a "shoulder tap". Do you know what shoulder taps are? (Here's a link that will explain better than I can.) I get them from time to time, and although I've had them since I was a young woman, I listen more carefully now.

So, Handsome and I decided to take a rainy day drive to honor my most recent shoulder tap. In the process, we accomplished a lot, but I only have this photo to share today.

Have you ever had a shoulder tap? Do you call it something else? How do you respond to it? Are you compelled to respond (as I usually am), or do you brush them aside? I'd love to know.


  1. WOW! Powerful link dear. I know these shoulder taps but had no idea what they are called. I merely know them as doing “Good Deeds” and “Treatig others as I would like to be treated...Golden Rule”. Bless You My Friend...<3

  2. Very timely Donna. What a tremendous feeling of comfort and renewed strength I felt after reading & listening to his words again. Amen. Thank you dear friend. I shall pass this one on to a friend who has lost somebody ….recently.


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Blessings, Donna