July 23, 2014

Another Homekeeping Idea...

Brynwood Needleworks - My Batch of Homemade Laundry Soap
 I'm passing along a great, economical project for you today.
One of my favorite blogs to visit is Stone Gable
So much homekeeping inspiration and eye candy in one place! 
 While exploring one day last week, I came across Yvonne's recipe for 
homemade laundry soap. I was intrigued for a number of reasons. I'm
always looking for homemade creations, and the thought of yesterday's
solutions combined in new ways appealed to me, too. I headed over to
"Wally World" and purchased the supplies, including a plastic tote for storage.
I spent $39.82 for my supplies and you'll only use 2-3 tablespoons per 
load. I mixed everything into a large container and have about 9 quarts 
of soap mix. I chose the lavender-scented UnStoppables and they're a 
great addition. (They're really only added for scent, not cleaning power.) 
Just to compare pricing:
Tide Clean Breeze Scent Laundry Detergent 68 loads, 95 ounces $36.00
Homemade Laundry Soap 145 loads, 291 ounces $39.82
I'm with Yvonne...This is an economical solution to wash day expenses.

If you'd like to make up your own batch, here's a link to Stone Gable's
Homemade Laundry Soap recipe. (click here) You'll like adding your
own personal touch to it, too. Just choose your favorite Downy scent!

I'm actually looking forward to our next laundry day!


  1. I am thinking you have enough laundry soap for an entire village! Looks very pretty and sounds like it has some great ingredients to get the dirt out. Is your Cloud feeling like Lucy and her rock collecting?
    Happy Washdays Dear...

  2. Wow, looks amazing! Must try in a smaller batch to test for allergies. Thank you for sharing. :)


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Blessings, Donna