May 27, 2014

Flying Needles...

  It's so wonderful to be spending a little time knitting again. I'm working on a
special project for a new, little someone. I've made a lot of progress since this
photograph was taken yesterday, and it will be finished in no time at all.

My arthritic thumbs are protesting, but I'll have none of that right now.
There really is something satisfying about creating the "fabric" that
becomes the finished piece. I think about things like that while I knit.
There shall be needles flying again today as I work toward completion.
I love this creative process. Whatever I do with my hands and heart brings
happiness beyond measure. The only thing equal to it is when it's given away.


  1. Hello Donna, it's been so long since I've visited (I say this as I slap my hands & say bad Tracy). I see you're still being wonderfully creative and it's looking so pretty. Hope all has been good for you dear friend. <3

  2. This yarn looks as soft as I imagine it to be. Perfect for a new little one. Flying needles indeed. Creative Bliss Dear...

  3. So jealous! I would love to knit! It is the only needlework that I have just not been able to get the hang of! And love that beautiful cream for a little one!

  4. Donna, this kind of knitting is so peaceful and good for the soul. I can't wait to see the finished product! Twyla


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna