June 21, 2021

A Penny Gathering Center Block...

Brynwood Needleworks - A Penny Gathering - Center Block

I haven't worked on this small quilt for a while, so I thought I'd set up the center block. That way, it's ready to stitch when I am (likely, later this week).
After I complete the center block, my next step will be to create a number of half square triangle (HST) blocks (each measuring 1" square finished!). Those blocks will be a border all the way around the large center block. Then, The small floral blocks are sewn into position around the center motifs.

The embroidery won't take me all that long, and I'm really looking forward to making those mini HSTs. Yep. I'm really looking forward to doing that. Uh, huh.

There'll be more once that much is done, but I'll tell you about it when I get to it.The finished quilt only measures 27" square, so there's a lot of detail packed into a small project. I'll work on this one for a while. until I need another break, and go back to working on one of the other unfinished projects. I'm not sure having these multiple projects in progress is a good thing or a bad thing. What do you think?



  1. It's beautiful.
    I always have more than 1 project going, that way, even though you love the project, you avoid boredom!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Exactly!! I'm glad I'm not the only one.

  2. I always have more than one project in the works but they serve different purposes. There's only one stitching project (currently it's cross stitching little pieces to ultimately become two advent calendars) which is my daylight hours thing. In the evenings I have generally two projects to choose from - one knit and one crochet so I can switch it up to give my hands a rest, or according to my mood.

    1. Hi Maggie:
      I'm awful. I currently have four specific quilt projects I'm working on, but found myself thinking about two other quilts I'd like to make...and I could be making socks at night. There just aren't enough hours in a day!

    2. I might have more projects going on if I had more space. Apartment life means there's not an excess of that so I have to keep myself curtailed. And you're so right - never enough hours!

  3. Your quilt blocks are so very pretty. Uh Huh...1” HST’s! My Grandma always had multiple projects at one time that she would work on and complete. She said that way she never got tired of working on one large project. Me...well...I do have multiple projects begun however I can’t really say I am working on them simultaneously. Right now my focus is on watercoloring.

    1. Hi Sherry!
      Yes. I'm probably overthinking the 1" HST, but I need about 250 of them! I'm loving your watercolors, so please keep pictures coming. Can't wait to see what you're working on next.


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Blessings, Donna