August 12, 2017

Friday Night Fun...

Friday Music In The Park - Cedarburg, Wisconsin

We attended another concert last night. This time, Handsome was in the audience, as we proudly watched our younger son on stage. It was another perfect and slightly overcast. We wore sweatshirts and enjoyed the show.

Band: The Dirty Knots - Drummer, Out Younger Son

Their band was the opening act for another group (we hadn't heard of before, but they were good). The guys were in fine form, and I liked watching Dad watch his not-so-mini-me on stage. Dad was pretty proud.

Proud Dad and Younger Son

Of course, I took a picture of the guys together after our son came off stage. They really are two peas in a pod.

Grandma Donna With Our Granddaughters and Daughter-in-Love
I sat with our girls and their mama. It's always wonderful to see them and to hear their latest stories. I can't believe how quickly our little girls have turned into young ladies. They just celebrated a thirteen and tenth birthday! We now have a teenage girl in our midst, and we couldn't be happier.

Being back in Wisconsin this summer has been such a blessing. We're looking forward to making many more happy memories together.


1 comment:

  1. Proud Dad and Younger Son really are two peas in a pod and musically in tune. Your Granddaughters are so pretty and Happy Birthday to each. Family time together is the best for making wonderful memories...Priceless! <3


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Blessings, Donna