August 20, 2014

Life Happens...

Just when I've planned to get so much accomplished, Life happens.
(I'm not complaining. It's important to be flexible. Spontaneous, even!)
The client who I thought would require three hours for a graphic piece
ended up taking closer to twelve hours over two days. It's finished now.

The laundry that would usually be shuttled from our master bath to our
laundry room, wasn't. The washing machine is on the fritz and won't be
repaired until next Monday. Instead, I drove our laundry to be cleaned. 
Even using the double load washers,  I was away from the studio for 
another four hours (from the time I drove out 'til I got back home again).

So, if you're wondering what I accomplished yesterday...I've got a photo for
you. I started cutting the fabrics (and choosing zippers) for the organizers.
 That's it.

What's on the agenda for today? 
I am definitely going to get into the studio again... but I have a couple
of things I have to do first. If you want to know what they are, you'll
have to come back again tomorrow. I'm not even giving hints today.

Seeeee yoouu tomoooorroooww!


  1. oh, disappointment. The best laid plans and all of that. But, yeah...gotta go with the flow. ~grin~

  2. Life does happen and we are the fortunate ones. Thankful nothing terrible kept you from sewing your amazing organizers. Love your assembly line. Creative Bliss to you dear...


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Blessings, Donna