Hi, Everybody!
I'm back today with a very, very important Public Service Announcement.
This is my third PSA, and you know I only share these when it's really crucial.
It's really hot here in south Florida, but summer's in full swing everywhere. So this
matters whether you're in the south or anywhere else in the world with warm temps.
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I've found some statistics on the Web that I have to share with you. Did you
know that on a warm day, even if you think the weather is mild, you could put
your pets at risk? Even if you think it's not really hot outside, it is in your car.
We are already readin' about dogs - includin' POLICE K9s! - that are dyin'
because their masters forgot neglected left them in a car that was too hot for
them to survive. Just check out this chart and you can see how bad it can get.
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Now, look at this one.
It doesn't matter if your pet is left in the shade or the sun. Either way,
they could die in less time than you can even imagine. Our ER vet in
Sarasota, Dr. Kirsch, told Mom just last week that he had already treated
(and lost) a few dogs this month! There is just no reason for this to happen.
People...If you can't keep your pet with you while you're out, then do
the best thing and just keep them safe and cool at home.
Mom saw a little dog in a car in Sarasota last week with the windows
cracked open a little bit. She went into the store and told the manager to
make an announcement. He did, and the owner came out in a few minutes
and left with their dog. It was 90° outside! Mom said that if she sees a
dog left in a car with the windows closed, she's going to call the police
and then break out the window to protect the dog. She means it, too!
Another thing...Do you exercise outside with your pet?
Did you know that it's not normal for a dog to just run long distances
without stoppin' for a break? Dogs weren't meant to be tethered to your
bicycle while you ride for blocks or miles without stoppin'. We aren't
built to just run full-out, non-stop, long distance while you work out.
The way we like to operate is to run a little, sniff a little, piddle on a blade of
grass, sit down and scratch, then maybe run some more...but never when it's
hot. When it's hot, we just like to lie around somewhere cool or go swimmin'.
Dr. Kirsch said one of the dogs that died last week was runnin' along with
its owner. Poor thing keeled right over. They took him to the ER, but he
couldn't be saved. It's been in the high 80s-90s around here - and humid!
What the heck was that human thinkin'?
I think you have a pretty good idea by now just how important this is.
If you love your pets, don't leave them in your car. Period.
Remember my friend, Megan? This picture was taken before it got hot
out. We were both completely safe when Mom took this picture. I don't
like bein' left home on Saturday mornin's one single bit. In fact, I bark my
skull off when she leaves, but now I understand that it's for my own good.
We've also read too many news stories about people forgettin' their kids in the
car on hot days. Nothin' - and I mean NOTHIN' - is so important that you should
forget your beloved children or your family pets in your car. If you're responsible
for another human being or an animal, you owe it to them not to be distracted.
You could save the life of someone you really don't want to live without.
PLEASE pay attention.
I know my Tuesday posts are usually a lot more fun, but I really thought this
was too important not to share with you. Thanks so much for stayin' with me
on this. I'll be sittin' here in the air conditionin', thinkin' about goin' to the dog
beach, playin' in the pool, or going for late day walkies with Mom. I'll tell ya
all about how I've spent my week in my next post. 'til then...
"More Waggin' and Less Barkin'!"