March 7, 2016

Tuesdays With Tag - Let Sleepin' Dogs Lie...

Brynwood Needleworks - Sleeping Dog
Hi, Everybody!
Man, it's been some week since my last post. whew!

Mom has taken me with her almost everywhere she's gone.
I went to Mouseville with her last Thursday when she delivered dresses. I've
 gone shoppin' with her, and whenever she had to run an errand, there I was.

By the time she got around to cleanin' house, I was exhausted!

Brynwood Needleworks - Sleeping Dog

I usually head to our library and sleep on the futon when Mom starts up the vacuum cleaner, but she started by cleanin' this great rug and it had my name written all over it. I parked my floofy butt on it and slept through the noise, dustin', and floor moppin'.

I'm still restin' up, so my post is short today. (Hey! No "short" jokes, you guys!) I need to catch a few zzzz's while the Black Dog is busy followin' Mom around. 

Mom has some studio time on her schedule this week, so I'll be able to catch up on my own agenda. You know...eatin', sleepin', sheddin' and barkin'. It's what I do.

Could you do a favor for me and turn out the lights on your way out this week?  
aaahhhhhhhh. That's better. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......

I'll see you again in seven! 'til then...
"Chase A Dream - Or A Squirrel".


  1. Oh my goodness Tag that last picture is so you. My two are at my feet in the same position, and most likely chasing bunnies in their dreams. Take care and get lots of rest.

  2. Shhhhhh...let me just tip-toe out of here so you can get your much needed rest my little Tag sweetie.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna