Brynwood Needleworks - Christmas Gifts from Andy and Shelly |
I hope all of you had a restful and happy Christmas celebration. Our festivities began last Wednesday with one of our sons and his family, and will conclude today with a visit from my best friend and later, our other son and his family.
We had dinner with Andy and Shelly on Thursday evening. The meal they prepared was delicious - and we always enjoy their company. We got a tour of their home, and we exchanged gifts. We were so tickled with the gifts they chose for us.
Brynwood Needleworks - Christmas Gifts from Andy and Shelly |
They asked Shelly's mom (who used to live in our farmhouse), about the nutcracker she used to shell those hickory nuts. They knew that I got blisters using a conventional nutcracker to shell the nuts I'd taken back to Florida, and wanted to give me some relief.
Janet said the nutcracker she uses is still available at True Value Hardware, so off Andy went and got one for me! I literally jumped out of my chair to hug him when I opened the box! They also gave me a big bag of nuts in the shell so I could practice!
In addition, there were more gifts from the farm. They gave us two more bags of shelled hickory nuts, a painted saw blade (I
love the bluebirds and barn scene), and a large jar of honey from the hives just above our farm.
We gave Shelly one of the cork Grab and Go Clutches that I made, and also gifts they can share - a fuel card for Andy to help defray the cost of plowing our yard out this winter, and a gift certificate for a local restaurant where they can share a nice meal on us. We were so humbled by their generosity - they are both so giving - and we look forward to reciprocating in the coming years.
Brynwood Needleworks - Christmas Gifts From Our Neighbor |
Yesterday, there was a knock at the door and one of our neighbors here on Hickory Road came up to welcome us to the neighborhood. Mary Jane wrote the sweetest note in the card she gave us.
Brynwood Needleworks - Christmas Gifts From Our Neighbor, Mary Jane |
It was tucked into a beautiful basket filled with her homemade treats for us - and a fragrant bottle of hand cream for me. She must have a fly on the wall here. I've been going through hand cream like crazy in this drier air!
We're looking forward to getting to know Mary Jane and our other neighbors better when the weather gets warmer. Once the farmhouse is finished, we'll invite all of them to join us here for a party to celebrate. We think 2017 is going to be a great year.
Happy Boxing Day, everyone!