February 27, 2018

Tuesdays With Tag - We Love Babies...

Could I Be More Pathetic Looking?

Hi, Everybody!

This is how I ended my day yesterday. Lookin' just about as pathetic as possible.
I bet you're wonderin' why, aren't you?

Connor and His Grandma

Well, it's pretty simple, actually. Yesterday, Miss Shelly came to visit Mom. She brought her sweet, little grandson with her. WE love babies!!! Do you think we got to play with him? Do you think we got to snuffle him? Do you think we got to sit next to Mom while she did those things?
The Traitor Is Holding The Baby

Do you see either of us in this picture of Mom holdin' the little boy?
Well...do you?
Of course, you don't. Here's why. Bella and I were confined to our kennels...the. whole. time! I spent most of their visit whinin' in my crate. You can see from the picture, just what Boo thought about this. 
In her defense, I will say that Mom brought the baby over for us to see. She held him where we could see him, and I actually even licked his hand - while I uttered my most pathetic, little squeak. 

Mom and Miss Shelly explained to us that it won't be long before this little guy will be runnin' around and ready to have fun with us (like his cousin, Eli). Boo and I talked about it and we're really excited about that. We can hardly wait!
We're thinkin' that maybe that will be next week. Right? Babies grow real fast, don't they? I'm pretty sure Mom said this little guy was growin' while she was holdin' him! Maybe next time, we'll be allowed to get a little closer to him. That would be nice. I'm gonna count the days 'til we can play with him. Did I tell you we I love babies?

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...  
"Chase A Dream - Or A Squirrel".


  1. He is a cute lil bruiser. Mom was just keepin you safe from gettin beat up during the football playin. Keep countin my little Corgi Cutie...Smooches xo

  2. No Tag, I don't think you could look more pathetic! My problem is that Bits doesn't love babies. In fact she is extremely jealous of them. We have to watch her like a hawk when they are around. I am glad you have a better disposition.


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Blessings, Donna