November 8, 2017

Farmhouse Fall Day...

Farmhouse Fall Day
The leaves are falling, the squirrels are left to the rest of the hickory nuts in our yard, and our front porch is cleaned off, made ready for winter. I love that we live where we don't have to rake leaves. We can simply enjoy their color and the crunch under our feet when we walk through the yard. 

These days become cooler and shorter - even as the shadows grow longer. Winter is just around the corner, so we'll savor these days while we can. It's my favorite time of year in Wisconsin...glorious Fall.



  1. Gorgeous Fall Blessings Donna Dear. I shall try my best to Embrace Winter this year...after all I am a Southern California girl and have no need for seasons...especially cold snowy seasons! Hope you are feeling better. <3

  2. It's absolute November here...cold, raining, windy...and I'm feeding anyone and everyone who comes by. Take care, enjoy your farm fall day. In love and prayers, S.

  3. Beautiful photography, aww love & miss a true autumn. "Be well" and enjoy Donna.


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Blessings, Donna