July 23, 2024

A Little Sunshine Stitchery...

The weather was perfect yesterday. The sunshine and mild breezes beckoned me outside all morning. By afternoon, I knew it was time to indulge for a while. 

I grabbed my thread box and a few scraps of linen and just followed my muse. I listed to music and visited with the little wren who has a nest in one of the birdhouses. She is a talker!

A little while later, I had a tiny bouquet of lavender finished. I can actually smell the lavender in the kitchen garden as I sit here. The breeze was in the right direction with me downwind. 

Claudette decided to bring a mouse onto the porch. Thankfully, she hadn't harmed it (yet). I told her what a good girl she was so she wouldn't run away from me. Even so, I did have to follow her around the porch until she was close enough for me to grab her by the scruff of the neck. Once I did, she dropped the mouse and it scurried away. I was glad that Crystal was off in another direction so she missed the exchange, or she would have certainly chased that frightened poor mouse.

I put Claudette in the house and then coaxed Crystal in, too. That way the mouse stood a chance of making a safe escape. They were confined to quarters (despite their noisy protestations) for the rest of the day.

I'm not sure how I'll finish this needlework. Perhaps a lavender sachet would be most appropriate. Yes. I think so. I work today, so I'll think more about that when I get home. This was just the ticket for me for now, though.


  1. Glad you found some stitching to do.
    It will make a nice sachet.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Just what I needed. I'll embellish the edges of the sachet when I assemble it over the weekend. I'll share my finish next week.

  2. Oh, that is the cutest little bouquet! Glad to see Mojo decided to be a bit more helpful today! (-: And you even got to participate in a little Cat & Mouse game... ick. I'm pretty sure the mouse was a love offering from Claudette to assist with getting your mojo back.... (-;

    1. Hi Lois:
      Thanks, dear! It was nice, even if for a little bit. As for the mouse, I'm glad it wasn't injured. Last summer when I took a chipmunk from Claudette, the scared chippy bit me. Man that stung! This mouse ran off the porch and disappeared into the center of one of the bushes before I could get Claudette inside. I've learned to grab my leather garden gloves before attempting relocations anymore. I feed those two cats every day, so I'm not too thrilled when they "gift" me...especially when it's on the porch. ugh

  3. aaaaah - just what the doctor ordered for you! Your stitched lavender is the only way I dare enjoy it, at least not close up anyway.

    1. Hi MA:
      It is fragrant. While I love the scent, I can appreciate that it may be too strong for some people. I promise I'll remember not to send any of that your way, dear.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful day. I can just picture it from your excellent description.
    Perfect tiny stitch.
    And Claudette, no one likes mouse breath.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      It really was. I even took a short nap in the sunshine. aaahhhh. Thanks. I'm glad you like the little lavender bouquet. I'm laughing out loud about "mouse breath". Ain't that the truth?


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Blessings, Donna