July 26, 2024

Baking Day...

I've seen where the weather temperatures are going to slowly rise into the near 90ºF range by midweek next week, so I wanted to get my bread baked while it would still be comfortable for me to light the oven (to 400ºF) in the farmhouse. Yesterday was the perfect day.

I also had a few orders for fresh cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting, so I added those to my list. By the end of the day I'd baked six loaves of farmhouse bread, and these three trays of homemade cinnamon goodness. They were delivered to my customer late day.

Handsome and I sat with our calendars yesterday, so I now know when I'll be running him to doctor and physical therapy appointments over the next month. It's going to get busy. He has appointments every day next week.

His brother was originally scheduled to come into town on Saturday, but called yesterday to let us know he's ill and won't be traveling until he's in the clear. Thankfully, one of our sons is able to help out on Tuesday. I work that day, and I could change that, however I really don't like driving down to Milwaukee, so he's going to stand in for me for that office visit. I owe him one!

We have an appointment this morning, and I'll work at 4:00 today, but that leaves the middle of the day for me to sneak in a little needlework. I'm going to try to complete something I started a little while ago. If I finish it, I'll share a photo (or at least a sneaky peek) tomorrow. 

See you Saturday!


  1. Oh! Those rolls look delicious!
    That's a lot of appointments, I hope everything turns out ok.
    Glad a son is helping out.
    Take care.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Tomorrow is Monday, and we'll be "off to the races". I need to decide on a portable project for while I'm waiting. Thanks, dear.

  2. Those look so yummy! It's wonderful to have family close by that is willing to step in and help out. Wish we had that luxury but our boys are too far away. Luckily we have close friends that would be there if we needed them.

    1. Hi MA:
      I'm so grateful I won't need to drive to Milwaukee. I really dislike the road construction and increased traffic. I'm happier here at home - or short trips.

  3. You had me at cream cheese frosting,
    The appointments are more than enough let alone the driving.
    I did that for two months this past Winter, at one section of the drive there is a
    very congested tunnel to navigate, I'm 98 percent sure I closed my eyes driving
    through it. I don't remember how many times I said 'Jesus take the wheel' and he
    I hope Handsome is practicing his next command of 'heal'.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I can relate. There are large segments of summer road construction, and it seems interminable down in Milwaukee. I'm so glad I won't have to drive that again so soon. I love the command. I'll remind him. Oh, and I always make extra cream cheese frosting! It's my favorite.


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Blessings, Donna