July 30, 2024


It rained most of the day, but it was still nice to be on our farmhouse porch. Late day, the clouds moved off and the sun came out. I started this piece in the parking lot at the clinic while Handsome was in the clinic for his physical therapy appointment. I had all my supplies in my needlework tote, ready to go.

When we got back home, I did a few things around the house, and then grabbed my supplies. I stitched while I listened to the Baltimore oriole's four noisy kids sharing grape jelly from the feeder, and the Bee Gees on my iPhone in speaker mode (The Still Waters album). I listened to other music, too.

I think I got quite a bit done, but this is going to be another strawberry, so there's a lot more to do yet. I'll work on it more this week when Handsome goes to his other appointments, but I'm liking what I've got so far.

Today I'll be up at the station for my shift. No time to dally. I'd better get going. See you tomorrow!


  1. Glad you got in some stitching time, it's beautiful.
    We still have Orioles also, they usually leave early July.
    They must like our jelly!
    Positive thoughts for Handsome.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      It was really nice. I'll add to my needle garden today. I'm loving that we have both adults and offspring at the feeders now. Those little hogs are going through a jar of jelly every two days! Thanks so much, dear. Great news today.

    2. Oh, I know! We had to go buy more jelly!

  2. Another beautiful stitchery emerging from your clever fingers. We rarely see an oriole here so you are very lucky to have them coming to your feeder.

    1. Hi MA:
      Thank you so much! As for the orioles, I'll try to get a photograph of the family at the feeders today for you. They really are impressive.

  3. It’s beautiful.Lovely to sit outside a sew a little, it will be cooler weather before we know it.We’re experiencing very hot weather in UK at the moment,it’s really the first we’ve had all summer.Hoping Handsome continues to improve.Laura.x

    1. Hi, Laura, dear.
      Thank you so very much. I'm looking forward to that cooler weather. It's going to be in the high 80s all this week, and if today's humidity was any indicator, it will continue to be muggy. Thankfully, our son put in the second air conditioner for us today and with both upstairs units running, they're actually cooling the entire downstairs, too! Welcome relief. I'm sharing news about Handsome today. It's all good!

  4. Wow, what a view, both front and center and the background.
    Sounds like the perfect setting (even with the rain) porch, stitching, birds, music, life is good
    even with its ups and downs.
    No Orioles here this year. But I have eighteen wild turkey poults, I call them chicklets, if I
    called them turklets to me it sounds like a snack, like beef jerky or turkey jerky, lol. I feed them
    several times a day and the peeping is just too cute.
    This is such a beautiful, delicate stitch.
    My continued prayers and good thoughts to both of you.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I don't miss much from this seat on the porch. I can see traffic in the distance, when the mail arrives, and what the cats are up to (in time to redirect them when needed). Then, I get to stitch! I love when the turkeys come to visit. I'm sure your "chicklets" are fun to watch. Their vocalizations are just the best! Thank you, dear. I'm enjoying the process of making each flower. Thanks also for your continued prayers. I'm sharing news on his progress on Wednesday's post.

  5. Sherry of createology: Donna I am so relieved to see you posting once again. Handsome gave us all, especially you, quite a scare. Thank you God for answering our prayers and healing Handsome. Your stitching is stunning dear. Blessings…


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna