March 7, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Meep! Meep!...


 Hi, Everybody!

No photo of me today. Nope. I want you to see that one of the shy locals was visible this weekend. I was in the livin' room with Bella and Mom when Boo looked out the window and started a low growl. Whew! It wasn't directed at me for a change.

Mom stood up behind Bella to see "Wile E" saunterin' across our north field. Mom put her hand on Bella and said we should just quietly watch, so although Boo made chuffin' noises, she didn't bark and alarm the visitor.

He (or she. Who can tell from these pictures?) would stop to sniff at the ground, look around, and then keep goin' toward our east tree line. We figure it was lookin' for somethin' to eat, and it was really cool to watch. Don't worry. Claudette and Crystal are in the house these days.

Even so, Mom's been takin' us out at night on a leash. Just to keep us close and safe. She says she wouldn't want either of us gettin' into a scuffle. This one was healthy and large for a coyote. 

Another one got hit on the highway near our house about ten days ago. It was right in the middle of the roadway, and as Mom was drivin' toward it (we were with her), she noticed cars and trucks were really swervin' to avoid somethin'. She pulled over, put on our flashers, checked to make sure there was no traffic, and pulled the body into the ditch so no other critters (lookin' to clean it up) or people would get hurt. It had a beautiful winter coat, and Mom was sad that it was killed. When she came back to the car, I was pretty curious about her hands, but she had Wet Wipes in the car and got its scent off her hands. She said it's just not right for vehicles to be part of the Circle of Life. 

So, she was really happy to see this healthy canid, and we all like hearin' them howl to their pack at night. It's comfortin' to know that there's still a place for the wild things outside.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."


  1. Mom has such a kind heart for animals.
    They are fascinating to watch, but be very careful Tag.

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      Oh, you can count on Mom (and Dad when he's home) to keep us safe from the "locals". We love watchin' em, but not from the inside.

  2. Aww, bless Mom's heart! Even with that terrible pain in her hands, stopping to move that poor misfortunate fella, who I bet what quite heavy, out of the roadway - you know she's special! And, yes, they are fascinating to watch, but, I would surely give them a wide birth...

    1. Hi Miss Lois:
      We always get ushered back into the farmhouse when Mom hears the 'yotes at night. We even had one at the end of our driveway one night a couple years ago, but thankfully, we were already sleepin' in our kennels. Mom was sad to see the dead coyote in the road. She didn't check to see if it was a boy or girl, but it had a beautiful coat, and was mostly hit in the head. She grabbed both back legs and carefully put her in the ditch. She was as respectful as she could be under the circumstances...and tryin' not to get hit by a car herself in the process. We like her a lot around here. (She gives us treats all the time!)

  3. It's good that Mom is keeping you and Bella on a leash to keep you safe. Sometimes coyotes can be crossed with wolves and that makes them very predatory so you have to keep alert.

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      Yikes! That would be a sight to behold. We'll be on the lookout for them. Thanks for the heads-up.

    2. I think they're called 'coywolves' (but don't quote me on that). Apparently they're quite viscious and not overly afraid of people. Try asking Mr. Google and you can find out more.

    3. Fortunately, I don't think that's what we saw. There are packs of coyotes around here, but no wolves. whew!

  4. Sherry of createology: Mom is such a loving and caring soul. Tag you and Bella are so fortunate to have mom to take care of you…and the kitties. Mother Nature is amazing and her critters are so interesting to watch in the wild.

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      We think she is, too. Sometimes to a fault. Luckily, she hasn't started foamin' at the mouth or gotten fleas from some of her encounters. Dad thinks it would be much better if she'd just keep her distance, and keep her paws to herself. But, you know, she just can't help it. We love her anyway.

  5. Oh Tag I feel the same way mom does. I thought I was the only one that removes an unfortunate creature from the road. Glad to hear the girls are inside. Wildlife is just so entertaining to watch. We have a lot of it here also.

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      You're a kind-hearted woman, too! I just knew it. Yep. We're one, big happy least 'til Dad and Carly get home. By then, the weather will be much nicer and the girls will want to be back in the barn anyway. I think it's gonna work out fine.

  6. I've been signed into my account all day, and just realized all these responses from me are marked "anonymous". Scratching my head, but I know you it's me, Tag!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna