December 23, 2016

Christmas Eve At The Farm...

Brynwood Needleworks - Corgi Christmas

Hi, Everybody!

I know you probably missed my Tuesdays With Tag post this past week, but I can explain. We've been here at the farm for almost three weeks, and Mom told us Monday afternoon that Dad would be comin' to Wisconsin to join us at the farm for Christmas this year. We were pretty excited and started watchin' for him right away.

Brynwood Needleworks - Waitin' For Dad

Heck! After we told Bella, she just ran around the house whinin' and lookin' out the window for a glimpse of Dad's truck. What she forgot was that we have been usin' it, so we'd be goin' to pick him up at the airport, rather than havin' him drive down the driveway.

We all went to Milwaukee and got him, and then, after we both gave him smooches and cuddles, we all came back home together!

Brynwood Needleworks - Snow Falling At The Farm

It started to snow again yesterday afternoon, so we'll definitely have a white Christmas. Bella and I think that's absolutely, perfectly fine! We love runnin' around in the white stuff!

Brynwood Needleworks - Dad's Home

Once Dad was back here, Boo and I really showered him with affection. You know, snuggles, whiney noises and lots of leanin' on him. Speakin' for myself, his leg is a great pillow when I need to take a little nap.

Brynwood Needleworks - Contented Corgi

Ahhhhh, yes. Just perfect!

Brynwood Needleworks - Corgi Christmas Greetings

So, Boo and I want to wish all of you a wonderful holiday season, filled with all the treats and family  your heart can hold. We'll be celebratin' with the grandkids and the rest of our people, and we'll look forward to a new year with even more of the same.

I'll be back next Tuesday, reportin' again from the road as we head back to Florida, but for now, we're gonna enjoy this winter wonderland.

I'll see you again in seven four! 'til then...  
"Chase A Dream - Or A Squirrel".
Merry Christmas!!


  1. Have fun in the white stuff Tag! Take care of your Mom, and have a wonderful Christmas. Also I'm so glad your Dad is back. It wouldn't be Christmas without him would it?

  2. Your very best Christmas Wish come true Tag Dear...Mom, Dad, Bella and You all together safe and sound. Merry Christmas my little Corgi Cutie. XO. Smooches. XO.


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Blessings, Donna