October 29, 2009

Staging, Knitting and Dinner With Our Kids...

All work and no play... You know the saying. Living room carpet was cleaned during the day, I had a little time to work on a project and then dinner last night with our sons, their wives and our grandchildren. My trip is complete having seen all of them. Too little time to spend, but I'm glad we could steal away for a family meal before I head home to Handsome on Saturday.

I've also been working on a doll coat and beret. I'm knitting it in a yarn called "Chinchilla" from Berroco. Nearly finished with the coat. I need to get a chibi needle to assemble the parts before I can add the front plackets and collar. I'll show it to you again when it's finished.

Tomorrow I'll be sharing final house photos from this week. I can tell you now that it's really looking nice and we're proud of the work that has been accomplished while I've been here. Now, to get the listings and sales flyers put together as soon as I get back home. Fingers crossed for a quick sale.


  1. What a nice family picture. The knitted coat looks adorable. Best wishes on selling the house quickly! Have a wonderful weekend! Twyla

  2. Your little coat is darling. A very nice family photo too. Safe trip home. Sharon

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family!
    Your little doll coat is so sweet! Love the color!
    Thanks for visiting!

  4. Hey, that's actually a great photo! When I looked at it right after the young girl took it, it looked more crooked than this, great cropping job! I am so glad we got to see you and hug you, and it has been fun catching up on reading all your comings and goings! You are so busy!!! I liked your recent post about handmade Christmas... Hurray Donna! That's the way to keep the spirit alive. And to help other realize what a gift can be.

    Much love to you,
    xo Jessica


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Blessings, Donna