October 6, 2009

I'm Thinking Pink This Week...

I hope you're thinking pink, too! October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and if you haven't had your mammogram yet this year, please consider scheduling one for October. If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for your family and all those people who love you.

My appointment was yesterday. Like everyone, I make jokes about having to go, and I'm always a little apprehensive about the discomfort, but when all is said and done, I'm so glad I went. (And it's actually not so bad.) There really is no substitute for the peace of mind that comes from the doctor's phone call to tell you you're "all clear".

Because I got my screening in October, I also left the clinic with some "lovely parting gifts". The nurse gave me a tote (perfect for my current knitting-in-progress), a BCA elastic wristband, a BCA record keeping card to remind me when to go again next year, a pink nail file and a pink and white coffee mug. Quite a change from the usual "Wham, Bam, Thanks-for-getting-your-mammogram"!

I also got a sweet thank you message from Shell today, so now that she's received my gift, I can tell you that the Rabbit pincushion went to my new blog friend, Shell May at Tales From The Raspberry Rabbits. Please click on the name of her blog and see her reaction to it (along with some gorgeous white pumpkins). I love visiting her blog. Razzy and Sugar make me smile, and Shell's writings are so joyful. If you haven't read her musings before, I'd like to be the one to introduce you to her. She's positively delightful.

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month - and Shell, Razzy and Sugar receiving their new resident pincushion - I've made a pink-themed mosaic for you to see. My BCA gifts are featured, along with a few other of my favorite pink items...my white and pink Longaberger Hope Basket, used to hold all my sewing labels; a pretty pink and white crocheted rose potholder (I have to learn how to make one of these!); and another look at that Rabbit pincushion. (You can click on the mosaic to go to larger photos in my Flickr album.)

Please make that appointment if you haven't yet. I don't want to lose one single friend to breast cancer, whether you're someone I've known and loved for a long time, or a regular or new reader to my blog. I don't want to lose a single one of you!


  1. This is such an important post. It's something that, as women, we Must do. I've already had mine this year. I nearly lost my best friend to breast cancer two years ago and I don't take this subject lightly. Breast cancer isn't pretty. Thank you for putting out the word and encouraging others to have that mammogram! Twyla

  2. I have several friends that are survivors and I'm grateful that each one caught it early.
    Such a terrible thing that happens to so many.

    hugs to you my friend,

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog and encouraging me in my struggle against breast cancer. Keep up the good work against BC!


  4. I still have the bracelet that you made and sent to me a few years ago for breast cancer awareness month....


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Blessings, Donna