January 2, 2018

Tuesdays With Tag - A Winter's Nap...

Tag's New Ugg Bed

 Hi, Everybody!

See what I got for Christmas? Mom and Dad gave me a really wonderful new bed. It's an Ugg™ Bed, and it's almost as fuzzy and cuddly as me!


It's been especially cold lately, so their timin' for this gift was just about right, if you ask me. When they brought it home, they hardly got out of the way before I jumped in to check it out!


Now, when Mom or Dad don't know where I am, all they have to do is check out the livin' room. They're pretty much guaranteed to find me in my very own new, favorite place to hang out.


If I get too warm (which isn't often), I might be stretched out next to it, but it's not long before I'm right back in it.

Mom said it reminds her of the song (with slightly different lyrics) from Rogers & Hammerstein's "Cinderella". (Of course, she's not calling me Cinderella!)

"In my own little corner, in my own little chair bed
I can be whatever I want to be."

My Hedgehog

I hope you don't think I'm rude. My hedgie can keep you company if you want. I feel another power nap comin' on. I can hardly wait until next week to show you what else I got. You're gonna laugh your pants off! Seriously.

Just so you know...Mom took these pictures over a four day period - not all on the same day - and there I am...in my bed every time!

Oh, and don't worry. Mom and Dad have stuff for Bella, too. We'll show you all that pretty soon, too.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...  
"Chase A Dream - Or A Squirrel".


  1. Tag's bed looks so cozy! Perfect for this winter weather!

  2. Hi Tag! Do they have Ugg beds in my very large size? You look so cozy and comfy in your new bed. Power Nap On...
    Smooches my little Corgi Cutie...xo
    P.S. Stay safe and warm in your very frigid cold temperatures. Brrr...


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Blessings, Donna