January 1, 2018

Happy 2018...

© 2017-2018 Photography by Catherine Steffes
From Handsome, Tag, Bella and me at our Hickory Hill Farm to your home...
May 2018 be filled with boundless Love, endless Laughter, and Peace.
Happy New Year!



  1. Love the photos of you and Handsome. All the very best Blessings to you for 2018. I would also like to add Health and Wellness to those Happy New Year Wishes because Health is Wealth at this stage of life. Happy Fresh New Year 2018...xo

  2. Those photos are so telling...love them! Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year...many blessings. xo

  3. What great photos! So full of love and joy! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  4. wonderful photos of you and your husband - Happy and healthy New Year to you both. Thank you for all you share.


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Blessings, Donna