I try to show my human side in my musings with you - especially when it comes to my crafting. Be it sewing, needlework, or as in this case, knitting, it's important to me to "keep it real" with you in what I do and how I do it.
A couple of days ago, I went into that voluminous stash to choose something lovely for a pair of mittens to make for my Christmas list. I found a beautiful, ivory- colored alpaca silk dk yarn by Debbie Bliss. Pretty, soft and perfect for my purposes....and I had the requisite four balls. Good to go!
I need to tell you that I've made these mittens more than a few times, so it's not a new pattern for me. I needed two sets of knitting needles. Size 7 would be used for casting on the mitten and knitting up the ribbed cuff. Then, I would switch to size 9 needles for the body of the mitts.

Knit, knit, knit, knit, knit thumb, knit, knit, knit, knit to end. Sew up. Slip on. What, the....? I just started to laugh. How could I have screwed up to this extent? I always knit a gauge swatch, but hadn't this time because I'd done them before. But, I guess I should go back and cover that step now! Grab the size 9s because they were the critical size. Again...What, the...?
Now I knew my error. Size 7 needles - two of 'em - check! Size 9 needles - two of 'em - awww crap! I had one size 9 needle and
one size 10 1/2! Well, heck yeah, that would knock the size of my mitten into the next species...like Sasquatch size! See? I'm figuring you should be able to hear the beaver slap to my forehead from where you're sitting reading this!

As it's already sewn together (perfectly matching seams, I might add) at this point...I placed it off to the side and knit up another mitten (in what should be the correct side with the correct needles). Ahhhhhhhh, that's better! See the Monster Mitten on the left and the normal mitten on the right. (FYI - I only embellish one mitten so the recipient can keep left and right straight once they start wearing them.)
So, at this point, you're curious, right? What did she do with the monster mitten? Rip it out? Toss it? Yeah, I know I could rip it out and use it to start a matching scarf, but inspiration hit me (much better than that beaver slap!). As I usually make a little bag of some sort to place my mittens (or socks) into, I already have the perfect pouch!

Well...what do you think? Genius? Yeah, I know. I think so, too! (insert an evil giggle here) Heck, I could even add a cute little felt head and a broomstick in the thumb to look like a little snowman, but then the recipient might think she'd received a one-armed, mutant, snow thingy. I think I'll just leave it like this with the cute, completed mittens inside - and maybe a little chocolate. Who doesn't like chocolate, anyway?

I can't tell you how much fun I'm having reading your comments and visiting all the blogs of my giveaway participants. I'm trying to get to everyone to leave a message for you. If you left an email for me in your message, I'm assuming you don't have a blog (yet). I don't want you to think you've got a stalker if I write to you, so I'll wait until the end of the contest to say thanks. If you want me to write to you at your edress, please let me know! I'm happy to oblige. I'd love to thank you for visiting, and get to know you better.I hope you're enjoying exploring Brynwood Needleworks. There's a lot to see and hear while you're visiting. Feel free to comment on any little thing! Thanks again, my friends. I know you're all commenting on my generosity, but believe me - you all return it to me ten-fold and I'm grateful beyond measure for each and every one of you!
** If you're new around here, you can always click on my images to enlarge them.